Windows 96

We are sick of not receiving updates shortly after buying new phones. Sick of the walled gardens deeply integrated into Android and iOS. That’s why we are developing a sustainable, privacy and security focused free software mobile OS that is modeled after traditional Linux distributions. With privilege separation in mind. Let’s keep our devices useful and safe until they physically break!
Mobian is an open-source project aimed at bringing Debian GNU/Linux to mobile devices.
Los programas que usamos a diario están englobados en la capa de aplicación. El sistema operativo dispone de ciertas funcionalidades que sólo él es capaz de realizar, como por ejemplo crear ficheros, acceder a información del hardware del equipo, gestionar conexiones de red, etc.
Estas funcionalidades están protegidas por el sistema operativo y no se pueden ejecutar de forma directa a través de un programa común. Para acceder a estas funcionalidades, el programa debe pedirle al sistema operativo que sea el quien las ejecute, este se encarga de gestionar y devolver el resultado de la ejecución de estas funciones especiales. Estas peticiones se realizan mediante las denominadas “llamadas al sistema” (aka syscalls en jerga informática) y son cosas tan simples como crear un fichero nuevo o tan complejas como gestionar una conexión de red.
NeXT (later NeXT Computer and NeXT Software) was an American computer and software company founded in 1985 by Apple Computer co-founder Steve Jobs.
NeXT introduced the first NeXT Computer in 1988, and the smaller NeXTstation in 1990. The NeXT computers experienced relatively limited sales, with estimates of about 50,000 units shipped in total. Nevertheless, their innovative object-oriented NeXTSTEP operating system and development environment were highly influential.
NeXT also developed WebObjects, one of the first enterprise Web application frameworks. WebObjects never became very popular because of its initial high price of $50,000, but it remains a prominent early example of a Web server based on dynamic page generation rather than on static content.