Usually, installing a .deb package on Debian is straightforward; however, this time, it requires just a bit more work given in Debian 11 Bullseye; the package “libappindicator3-1” is only available in Buster and Sid for the moment. Installing this is also necessary for other applications such as Discord and many more.
Droidian is a GNU/Linux distribution based on top of Mobian, a Debian-based distribution for mobile devices. The goal of Droidian is to be able to run Mobian on Android phones.
This is accomplished by using well-known technologies such as libhybris and Halium.
Note that this is a downstream Mobian derivative, please report bugs and support requests at us, see below for contact details.
In the context of screens, DPI (Dots Per Inch) or PPI (Pixels Per Inch) refer to the number of device pixels per inch, also called “pixel density”. The higher the number, the smaller the size of the pixels, so graphics are perceived as more crisp and less pixelated.
This post is an explanation about my Openbox configurations and how to use them. Openbox is my favourite window manager, and it’s the first window manager I use. At first, I didn’t even know how to make Openbox worked. When I installed it and ran it, I just got a blank black screen and didn’t even know how to launch any application. I followed several guide but couldn’t understand it, I gave up. But after a while, I heard about Crunchbang. It came with preconfigured Openbox, and a complete set of software to make Openbox usable as a desktop. I really enjoyed Crunchbang and kept playing around with it. Playing with Crunchbang meaned learning. I learned a lot about configuration files and theming. Also about modular applications that could work right with Openbox. I also tried a lot other popular window managers, but still couldn’t leave Openbox.
Apache 2.4.17 ships with mod_http2. Available in Debian 9 (stretch) and Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) (see comments) Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak), it brings HTTP/2 support to one of the Internet’s popular Web servers. Assuming you’ve already configured a SSL/TLS Website, this quick tutorial will show you how to quickly enable HTTP/2.
I’ve been using Debian for over a decade, I recall being about to restart the network cleanly via an init script. Nowadays I don’t even know, every time I start searching I end up just rebooting and that works and I feel shitty about my life and humanity in general.
(yes, I’ve even checked here: and not a word)
I’m tired of playing around and guessing, what is the correct way to get this done ?
P.S. Why has nobody created a package called ‘pony’ to do this already ?
Y luego para que esta asignacion no se pierda al reinciar el equipo. Se debe configurar la variable PATH de forma permanente editando el archivo de configuración de su shell de conexión. Como por lo general el shell BASH es el más utilizado, debe editar su archivo: