Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. sociocracia

…decentralized working circles that (mostly) have free association with one another

All circles are open for any housemate to join, and everyone must be a part of at least one circle. However, looking closer at circle operations reveal different degrees of centralized decision-making and chain communication. For example, all circles have rotating “lead” position, some of which are paid. The lead circle is responsible for facilitating that circle’s tasks alongside acting as the circle’s primary representative with the larger community.

Integrating all three network styles allows us to successfully maneuver the tension between having an organized framework to maintain a cohesive, happy household and one that is dynamic and open to changing needs of our housemates. However, to make this function smoothly requires buy-in from all members. We aim to reaffirm our commitment at our bi-monthly, all-house meetings, where the circles report on their progress to the entire community. We find that this is usually when most conflict arises — but we work together to address triggers and fill in gaps in our structure. Doing this ensures that we’re all taking responsibility for each other’s well-being and creating experiences that wouldn’t be possible if we went at it alone.