Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. Openbox

In the context of screens, DPI (Dots Per Inch) or PPI (Pixels Per Inch) refer to the number of device pixels per inch, also called “pixel density”. The higher the number, the smaller the size of the pixels, so graphics are perceived as more crisp and less pixelated.

This post is an explanation about my Openbox configurations and how to use them. Openbox is my favourite window manager, and it’s the first window manager I use. At first, I didn’t even know how to make Openbox worked. When I installed it and ran it, I just got a blank black screen and didn’t even know how to launch any application. I followed several guide but couldn’t understand it, I gave up. But after a while, I heard about Crunchbang. It came with preconfigured Openbox, and a complete set of software to make Openbox usable as a desktop. I really enjoyed Crunchbang and kept playing around with it. Playing with Crunchbang meaned learning. I learned a lot about configuration files and theming. Also about modular applications that could work right with Openbox. I also tried a lot other popular window managers, but still couldn’t leave Openbox.

Openbox is a stacking window manager, but there is a simple shell script called winfuncs, which can be used to tile the openbox stacked windows at any time. Winfuncs is based on wmctrl, an old command line tool that provides access for doing many neat things to many modern Linux window managers. This is almost as good as having a tiling manager; it only fails in that new windows opened after a tile has been completed will not be automatically put into the tiling scheme. Each time a new window is opened the tiling button or key has to be re-applied to include it in the tiling. Winfuncs generates two tiling modes, one displays the open windows in a rectangular matrix mode assigning the same area to each window and one stacks the windows in an orderly, regular manner in the upper left corner of the screen.

The Openbox Window Manager is allows for custom key-bindings to be created, whereby designated combinations of key presses may be used to undertake virtually any action, and usually much faster than by alternative other means. In addition to being able to control the brightness of your screen, it is also possible to create key-bindings to control the volume as well.