Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. Free Freehand

In September of 2009, a group of FreeHand users founded the Free FreeHand organization with the mission of saving FreeHand. The organization gathered over 6500 members, ultimately filing a lawsuit against Adobe Systems Inc. after many failed attempts to influence the company’s policy and desicion-making with regards to FreeHand. Following a long and challenging legal struggle, a settlement was reached early 2012.

While no stone was left unturned in the effort to bring FreeHand back into development and return it to market viability, in the end this proved to be an impossible goal. And so from the ashes, FreeHand Forum is born. With the new name come new direction and goals. We are pleased to share this new vision with all of our original members and those who have just discovered us.