PHP setcookie “SameSite=Strict”?
You can use the $options array to set the samesite value, for example:
setcookie($name, $value, [
‘expires’ => time() + 86400,
‘path’ => ‘/’,
‘domain’ => ‘’,
‘secure’ => true,
‘httponly’ => true,
‘samesite’ => ‘None’,
The value of the samesite element should be either None, Lax or Strict.
Setting Cookies in WordPress
So how do you set cookies in WordPress? With core constants:
COOKIEPATH — Server path in which the cookie will be available on.
COOKIE_DOMAIN — The (sub)domain that the cookie is available to.
Setting cookies in WordPress, especially the expiration is a cinch using one of the core time constants, available since v3.5:
MINUTE_IN_SECONDS = 60 seconds
HOUR_IN_SECONDS = 3,600 seconds
DAY_IN_SECONDS = 86,400 seconds
WEEK_IN_SECONDS = 604,800 seconds
MONTH_IN_SECONDS = 2,629,746 seconds
YEAR_IN_SECONDS = 31,556,952 seconds
Don’t forget to add the current timestamp to one of these constants, for example:
// 5 minutes into the future
$five_minutes = current_time( ‘timestamp’ ) + ( MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 5 );