Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. Archivo de navegación. Página 15

Calibre is an all-in-one ebook management software that allows you to read, manage, and convert digital books. It supports a multitude of ebook file formats for both reading and conversion purposes. It can sync your book collection and reading progress across multiple devices. Calibre is a completely free and open-source app, being in development for over a decade. It is considered to be one of the most feature-packed and comprehensive ebook management suites available for desktop PCs.

Foliate is a free and open-source ebook reader for Linux. It aims to provide a clean, modern, and distraction-free interface for reading books on desktop computers. Its feature set is on par with other popular ebook readers and includes all necessary options for changing the book styles and formatting, syncing the reading progress, user bookmarks, text search, dictionary lookup, and so on. Foliate also comes with basic text-to-speech support for ebooks, something that other desktop readers lack.

Este podcast resulta imprescindible para entender la trayectoria del profesional de la radio española que más la está cambiando. Que está introduciendo más elementos que la están poniendo al día. “Con la música, por ejemplo, no he hecho más que recuperarla del olvido, de la marginación a la que la sometió la radio hablada durante mucho tiempo. Si se hablaba de dinero, programaban el ‘Money’ de Pink Floyd, y no salían de ese bucle. Y no la respetaban, la pisaban, cortaban los compases, no se emitía el tema entero. Y yo creo que la música forma parte esencial de la narrativa radiofónica”, concluye, a modo de sentencia.

Drôle de cambrioleur… Vêtu de plumes, coiffé d’un chapeau, un homme entre par effraction dans un appartement. Cela ressemble à un cambriolage. Il se retrouve nez-à-nez avec Clara, la petite fille de la maitresse de maison. Il l’assure, il ne veut rien voler : juste récupérer une enveloppe que Maud, la propriétaire des lieux, actuellement à l’hôpital, lui a promis. Il semble que la dette soit ancienne. Betty, la mère de Clara, est, elle, victime de crise d’aphasie qu’elle guérit en allant voir un magicien…

To reset the password for MySQL you first must create a new file with the following contents:


Where PASSWORD is the new password to be used. Save that file as ~/mysql-pwd.

Next, stop the MySQL daemon with the command:

sudo systemctl stop mysql

With the daemon stopped, issue the command:

sudo mysqld -init-file=~/mysql-pwd

Once your command prompt is returned, restart the MySQL daemon with the command:

sudo systemctl start mysql

You should now be able to log into the MySQL command prompt with the new admin password like so:

mysql -u root -p

When prompted, type the admin password and you’re good to go.

the CSS fonts spec has a couple (new to me) generic font families, like ui-serif and ui-sans-serif, aimed at providing finer-grained controls for specifying OS-level fonts. This allows developers the power to integrate their UIs with the look and feel of the underlying operating system. To suggest Apple user agents render text on screen with the “New York” serif font, developers can specify: font-family: ui-serif.

Vicente Pizcueta es filósofo de formación, pero en los últimos años se ha dedicado a ejercer de portavoz de distintas agrupaciones empresariales. En 2007, como el de la Federación de Empresarios Hosteleros de Valencia en una entrevista en El País, solicitaba que la «administración se comprometa con inversión pública» dado que el turismo genera un porcentaje importante del PIB. En 2016, como director de comunicación de Noche Madrid en una entrevista en este diario, denunciaba que desde la tragedia del Madrid Arena se señala a los empresarios como responsables de los problemas de seguridad. En mayo, como coordinador de la Unión Empresarial por la Promoción Turística en Madrid, explicaba que la capital esperaba 70.000 hinchas ingleses que pagarían entre 500 y 1.000 euros por noche en la final de la Champions League.

Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata (from YouTube if a match is found).

What spotDL does:

Downloads music from YouTube as an MP3 file
Applies basic metadata gathered from Spotify such as:
Track Name
Track Number
Album Cover
and more!

The namespace conception in HTML is similar to other web languages; it prevents ambiguity on the data structure. It refers to which semantic vocabularies or syntax should be used when the namespace is present in the document. In our case, the og namespace refers to the Open Graph Protocol, while the fb namespace refers to Facebook-own Open Graph specification.

Alternatively, we can use the prefix attribute to define these namespaces.

Twitter card tags look similar to Open Graph tags, and are based on the same conventions as the Open Graph protocol. When using Open Graph protocol to describe data on a page, it is easy to generate a Twitter card without duplicating tags and data. When the Twitter card processor looks for tags on a page, it first checks for the Twitter-specific property, and if not present, falls back to the supported Open Graph property. This allows for both to be defined on the page independently, and minimizes the amount of duplicate markup required to describe content and experience.

Note that while Open Graph recommends specifying the “og” RDFa Core 1.1 CURIE prefix mapping via , no such markup is required for Twitter cards and its use of the twitter: prefix in a HTML meta element’s name attribute. Open Graph protocol also specifies the use of property and content attributes for markup () while Twitter cards use name and content. Twitter’s parser will fall back to using property and content, so there is no need to modify existing Open Graph protocol markup if it already exists.

The example below uses a mix of Twitter and Open Graph tags to define a summary card:

Luckily, our favorite social networks also provide tools to help us debug our tags. Once you make sure that your tags are actually showing up in the source code of your website, you’ll be able to preview how your website will look in the feed.


Mientras ‘la movida’ saturaba programas de televisión, radios públicas y portadas de revistas, un fenómeno como ‘la ruta’ era visto como problema de orden público al que Rafael Vera, secretario de Estado socialista, prometió poner fin. Tras años de lenta y tímida rehabilitación, esta semana se ha anunciado que Atresmedia financiará la Ruta, una serie de televisión sobre el fenómeno realizada por Caballito Films, la productora de Rodrigo Sorogoyen, director de las alabadas El reino (2018) y Antidisturbios (2020). Las tensiones culturales que desató el ‘bakalao’ pueden palparse en el legendario reportaje Hasta que el cuerpo aguante (1993), emitido por Canal +, uno de los pocos testimonios en caliente del periodo.

Una «microutopía del placer», dijeron de ella. O también, una «revolución contra la nada, nacida de la nada y abocada a la nada». Son palabras de Joan Oleaque, autor de En èxtasi, uno de los pocos ensayos que hay sobre esos años. Algo pasó en aquellos 40 km de la CV-500 en los que más de 50.000 jóvenes a principios de los ochenta se reunían dispuestos a conquistar la noche y de paso su libertad, por los rincones de las salas de las discotecas que conformaron la Ruta del Bakalao. 

 «Una de las cosas que más molesta de la Ruta era que los que se divertían fueran de clase trabajadora«, lanza el periodista Víctor Lenore.  Muchos sitúan el principio del fin en 1993, fecha en la que la DGT empieza a publicar escalofriantes cifras de muertes en accidentes de tráfico en la zona. La campaña mediática para desprestigiarla estaba en marcha. Las redadas policiales se sucedían. Y un jovencísimo Carles Francino ponía voz a un documental, Hasta que el cuerpo aguante, con el que los padres de los hijos de la transición se escandalizaron.

Specify the type of commit:

feat: The new feature you’re adding to a particular application
fix: A bug fix
style: Feature and updates related to styling
refactor: Refactoring a specific section of the codebase
test: Everything related to testing
docs: Everything related to documentation
chore: Regular code maintenance.[ You can also use emojis to represent commit types]

Separate the subject from the body with a blank line
Your commit message should not contain any whitespace errors
Remove unnecessary punctuation marks
Do not end the subject line with a period
Capitalize the subject line and each paragraph
Use the imperative mood in the subject line
Use the body to explain what changes you have made and why you made them.
Do not assume the reviewer understands what the original problem was, ensure you add it.
Do not think your code is self-explanatory
Follow the commit convention defined by your team

Inés Binder & Martu Isla (la_bekka): “El derecho a tener nuestra infraestructura: cómo montar una servidora feminista con una conexión casera”
Alejandra López Gabrielidis & Toni Navarro: “Nosotrxs, nuestros cuerpos (de datos): la justicia reproductiva como marco de soberanía digital”

Modera: Thais Ruiz de Alda

La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha puesto de manifiesto lo importantes que son los datos en general, y sus representaciones gráficas en particular, para la toma de decisiones, de lo personal a lo político, de lo económico a lo social. Hablaremos de las experiencias de visualizar datos del COVID-19 y de la relavancia de los datos en nuestras vidas.

Pillku es una revista digital sobre cultura libre y bienes comunes. Entre 2011 y 2017 ha generado un total de 22 números con temáticas diversas. En el año 2018 se ha materializado en forma de libro impreso la publicación: Pillku: Antología de un proceso colaborativo. En 2019 y 2020 seguimos distribuyendo el libro y compartiendo la experiencia.

Apoyamos a organizaciones y colectivas en el uso de tecnologías libres, licencias, y cultura libre, desde una perspectiva emancipadora y de género en América Latina.

Infraestructura basada en software libre y datacenters neutrales con alta disponibilidad de ancho de banda y hardware, en un entorno confiable, seguro y respetuoso orientado al uso de organizaciones de derechos humanos, movimientos sociales, instituciones, colectivos, ongs y medios comunitarios.

Find a COVID-19 vaccine for yourself or a loved one
Illustration of doctor administering vaccines

Safe and reliable COVID-19 vaccines are becoming available to seniors and healthcare workers in California. But it can be difficult to find out where and how to get a shot. We call hospitals and pharmacies daily to track their vaccine availability and their processes for getting one.

WireGuard® is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. It aims to be faster, simpler, leaner, and more useful than IPsec, while avoiding the massive headache. It intends to be considerably more performant than OpenVPN. WireGuard is designed as a general purpose VPN for running on embedded interfaces and super computers alike, fit for many different circumstances. Initially released for the Linux kernel, it is now cross-platform (Windows, macOS, BSD, iOS, Android) and widely deployable. It is currently under heavy development, but already it might be regarded as the most secure, easiest to use, and simplest VPN solution in the industry.

The OpenWrt Project is a Linux operating system targeting embedded devices. Instead of trying to create a single, static firmware, OpenWrt provides a fully writable filesystem with package management. This frees you from the application selection and configuration provided by the vendor and allows you to customize the device through the use of packages to suit any application. For developers, OpenWrt is the framework to build an application without having to build a complete firmware around it; for users this means the ability for full customization, to use the device in ways never envisioned.

Data-centric thinking is rapidly becoming vital to the waywe work, communicate and understand in the 21st century.This has led to a proliferation of tools for novices that helpthem operate on data to clean, process, aggregate, and vi-sualize it. Unfortunately, these tools have been designedto supportusersrather thanlearnersthat are trying todevelop strong data literacy. This paper outlines a basicdefinition of data literacy and uses it to analyze the toolsin this space. Based on this analysis, we propose a set ofpedagogical design principles to guide the development oftools and activities that help learners build data literacy.We outline a rationale for these tools to be stronglyfocused,wellguided, veryinviting, and highlyexpandable. Based onthese principles, we offer an example of a tool and accom-panying activity that we created. Reviewing the tool as acase study, we outline design decisions that align it withour pedagogy. Discussing the activity that we led in aca-demic classroom settings with undergraduate and graduatestudents, we show how the sketches students created whileusing the tool reflect their adeptness with key data literacyskills based on our definition. With these early results inmind, we suggest that to better support the growing num-ber of people learning to read and speak with data, tool de-signers and educators must design from the start with thesestrong pedagogical principles in mind.

Otra de las cuestiones llamativas hasta el momento en Clubhouse es que las conversaciones no se graban ni se archivan. Rescatando esta tendencia que iniciara hace un par de años Snapchat y que durante un tiempo siguió Instagram (hasta que se crearon los Destacados, donde se pueden guardar historias de Instagram a largo plazo) se recupera esta idea que de momento aumenta el halo de misticismo que existe sobre la aplicación y lo que en ella sucede.

…está marcada por el sesgo con respecto a quién puede usar la aplicación. Además del hecho de que no todo el mundo puede permitirse un Iphone la sensación es que en la app hay muchos consultores, emprendedores y comunicadores huérfanos de congresos, talleres o espacios donde poner en práctica sus artes oratorias.

Contributing to open source for the first time can be scary and a little overwhelming. Perhaps you’re a Code Newbie or maybe you’ve been coding for a while but haven’t found a project you felt comfortable contributing to.

Kent C. Dodds proposed First Timers Only to get new people to make their first contribution. Scott Hanselman blogged about Bringing Kindness Back to Open Source, so it was obvious that we team up and promote these ideas and get more folks involved in open source.

What is OLinuXino?

OLinuXino are series of powerful Linux-enabled Open Source Software and Open Source Hardware Open Source Hardware boards, designed and manufactured by Olimex LTD. Boards from the OLinuXino family can be manufactured with components suitable for operation in either industrial grade (-40+85)C or commercial grade (0-70)C temerpature range. Different OLinuXino boards use processors from different manufacturers – Allwinner, Freescale, etc.

Router Freedom is a net neutrality principle that Internet Access Providers (IAPs) must not the limit the users’ right to choose their own routers and modems to connect to the Internet protected in Europe since 2015. However, new rules on EU has created challenges router freedom, given that IAPs will be able to limit the right based on «objective technological necessity». The talk will go through the historical aspects and future developments in Europe.

Net neutrality is the principle that Internet Access Providers (IAPs) must treat all Internet communications equally, and not discriminate or charge differently based on user, content, website, platform, application and type of access equipment. The FSFE has been involved with net neutrality advocacy in Europe since 2013, achieving positive results in Germany with a law securing end-users the right of free choice of routers and modems.

In the context of the reform of European telecommunications law, EU Member States must implement in their national jurisdiction the European Electronic Communications Code (Directive (EU) 2018/1972), which brings new rules on router freedom, allowing IAPs to limit the rights of users if they can determine an «objective technological necessity» for imposing their routers and modems on consumers.

The talk will go through the historical developments in the last two years in Europe to present an overview on the positions on the debate in regards to router freedom and the consequences for Free Software.

As a take away, the talk will propose the discussion around the main principles of net neutrality and freedom of terminal equipment within the EU legal framework.


Lucas Lasota

…cómo bajarlo flac, un formato de audio de alta calidad [de youtube]:

youtube-dl –extract-audio –audio-format flac

Para bajar un vídeo con la mejor calidad, primero vemos qué opciones tiene con -F.

youtube-dl -F

Normalmente la de mejor calidad es la 22, por lo que lo especificamos con -f 22:

youtube-dl -f 22