The end game
“The goal is justice, the method is transparency. It’s important not to confuse the goal and the method.”
—Julian Assange
…three innovations had already set WikiLeaks apart from other publishers: the use of encrypted dropboxes to protect the identity of sources, partnerships with established media organisations to add audience reach and institutional protection, and a preference for making whole archives public rather than curating a drip-feed. “You can’t publish a paper on physics without the full experimental data and results; that should be the standard in journalism,” argued Assange.
Diferencia entre logo, logotipo, isotipo, imagotipo, isologo
Logo: A pesar de ser muy común suele ser el peor utilizado, la palabra logo viene del nombre logotipo, cuando decimos logo es para referirnos a toda plasmación de una marca. Los logotipos suelen ser puramente Tipográficos (fuentes) y representativos que pueden mostrar la verdadera identidad de una marca, ejemplo: Lego, Google, Coca-cola.
Isotipo: Un isotipo se refiere a la parte simbólica o icónica de la marca, un isotipo es cuando reconocemos la marca sin necesidad de que a esta la acompañe algún texto, con el fin de que las personas lo vean y este pueda ser entendido por sí mismo, ejemplo: McDonald’s, Niké, Dove.
Imagotipo:Es un ícono textual en el que texto y símbolo se encuentran claramente diferenciados, e incluso pueden funcionar separados, normalmente el ícono se implementa en la parte superior y la tipografía (texto) en la parte inferior. En algunos empaques de productos veremos símbolos o en otros veremos tipografía (texto), Ejemplo: Carrefour, Pepsi, La coste.
Difference Between PDF and PDF/ A
There is also a different type of PDF known as PDF/A. PDF/A is a subset of PDF that is meant for archiving information. In order to preserve the information in the file and to ensure that the contents will still appear as it should even after a very long time of storage, PDF/A sets stricter standard than those used by PDF.
PDF/A is a special type of PDF meant for archiving documents
PDF/A does not allow audio, video, and executable content while PDF does
PDF/A requires that graphics and fonts be embedded into the file while PDF does not
PDF/A does not allow external references while PDF does
PDF/A does not allow encryption while PDF does
Cathy O’Neil : pour une éthique des algorithmes
Quel est son parcours et d’où lui est venue sa passion pour les mathématiques ? Pourquoi appelle-t-elle les algorithmes des “armes de destruction mathématiques” ? Comment ces nouveaux pouvoirs algorithmiques transforment-ils les pratiques professionnelles de la société ?
Quoi de plus neutre qu’un ordinateur ? Quoi de plus a priori objectif qu’une suite de calculs, qu’une série d’opérations mathématiques ? Quoi de plus éloigné d’une opinion finalement qu’un algorithme ? Et bien tout justement. Parce qu’ils sont programmés par des humains qui sont eux perclus de biais, parce qu’ils tentent d’objectiver des réalités qui sont plus complexes que ce que peut décrire une seule suite mathématique, parce qu’enfin derrière chaque algorithme il y a une intention et qu’une intention n’est pas neutre. Pour notre invitée du jour, les algorithmes sont devenus des weapons of math destruction, des armes de destruction mathématique.
La mathématicienne, informaticienne et activiste Cathy O’Neil est notre toute dernière invitée de l’année. Bienvenue dans la Méthode scientifique.
Foro Telos 2020. Encuentro con Cathy O´Neil
…la matemática Cathy O´Neil y la arquitecta y especialista en inteligencia artificial Angela Shen-Hsieh que han hablado de privacidad, de monopolios y modelos de negocio y de desigualdades. Un diálogo en el que Cathy O´Neil esboza nuevas normas y alternativas para el análisis, nos alerta sobre cómo los datos pueden conducir a los gobiernos a tomar medidas durante la pandemia y nos guía para comprender mejor su recopilación.
En su libro ‘Armas de destrucción matemática. Cómo el big data aumenta la desigualdad y amenaza la democracia’ (Capitán Swing, 2018), Cathy O´Neil se pregunta acerca de los riesgos éticos del big data, del uso de las matemáticas y de los algoritmos cada vez más oscuros y complejos que pueden condicionar nuestras vidas, ofreciendo una interesante visión global de cómo se podrían evitar sus dañinos efectos.
Enthusiastic Amateurs Advance Science As They Hunt For Exotic Mushrooms
By one estimate, there are between 2.2 million and 3.8 million species of fungi — and more than 90% of them aren’t cataloged.
But mycologists (as fungus professionals are known) do get a big boost from a surprisingly sophisticated world of amateurs — both those who tromp through the forests observing oddball species, as well as those who have helped build a community that links the amateurs with the pros.
Sometimes the amateurs come up with stunning discoveries.
Consider the story of Taylor Lockwood, a 74-year-old mushroom enthusiast and professional photographer. This spring, we met in the hills of West Virginia, where he has been prowling the countryside in a van he has converted into a camper, a photo studio and a workshop.
Here’s How to Find Out Which Desktop Environment You are Using
Open the terminal and copy paste this command:
…simply type screenfetch in the terminal and it should show the desktop environment version along with other system information.
In the context of screens, DPI (Dots Per Inch) or PPI (Pixels Per Inch) refer to the number of device pixels per inch, also called “pixel density”. The higher the number, the smaller the size of the pixels, so graphics are perceived as more crisp and less pixelated.
My Openbox Configurations
This post is an explanation about my Openbox configurations and how to use them. Openbox is my favourite window manager, and it’s the first window manager I use. At first, I didn’t even know how to make Openbox worked. When I installed it and ran it, I just got a blank black screen and didn’t even know how to launch any application. I followed several guide but couldn’t understand it, I gave up. But after a while, I heard about Crunchbang. It came with preconfigured Openbox, and a complete set of software to make Openbox usable as a desktop. I really enjoyed Crunchbang and kept playing around with it. Playing with Crunchbang meaned learning. I learned a lot about configuration files and theming. Also about modular applications that could work right with Openbox. I also tried a lot other popular window managers, but still couldn’t leave Openbox.
Spatial Agency
Spatial Agency is a project that presents a new way of looking at how buildings and space can be produced. Moving away from architecture’s traditional focus on the look and making of buildings, Spatial Agency proposes a much more expansive field of opportunities in which architects and non-architects can operate. It suggests other ways of doing architecture.
El ‘turismo inteligente’ de Lepe, 200.000 euros de dinero público para llevar cuatro años invisible a los buscadores web
Respecto a la web municipal, en un desarrollo con Drupal 7 indica que dejó de actualizarse hace tres años, apuntando además que «Lepe ya tenía, desde 2008, un portal web con un gestor de contenidos». «Lo que 147.372 euros de dinero público han logrado aquí es el milagro de proporcionar al Ayuntamiento de Lepe algo que ya tenía: un portal municipal con un sistema de gestión de contenidos. Seguro que el anterior podía mejorarse, pero no hay aquí nada nuevo bajo el sol»
Snapchat Can Be Sued Over Role In Fatal Car Crash, Court Rules
Three young men got into a car in Walworth County, Wis., in May 2017. They were set on driving at rapid speeds down a long, cornfield-lined road — and sharing their escapade on social media. As the 17-year-old behind the wheel accelerated to 123 miles per hour, one of the passengers opened Snapchat. His parents say their son wanted to capture the experience using an app feature — the controversial «speed filter» — that documents real-life speed, hoping for engagement and attention from followers on the messaging app. It was one of the last things the trio did before the vehicle ran off the road and crashed into a tree, killing all of them. Was Snapchat partially to blame? The boys’ parents think so. And, in a surprise decision on Tuesday, a federal appeals court ordered that the parents should have the right to sue Snap.
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La escritora y periodista Ana Iris Simón en Truco o Trato con Víctor Lenore
Este año saltó a primer plano del debate cultural gracias a ‘Feria’ (Círculo de Tiza), unas memorias donde reivindica los vínculos humanos fuertes frente al infantilismo de la sociedad de consumo.
‘Feria’: la izquierda pierde los nervios por una chica de pueblo
Se hace pagar a Ana Iris Simón, manchega y de clase trabajadora, una especie de multa por citar en sus páginas a Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, fundador de Falange, aunque sea una cita de derechas entre otras muchas de izquierda y centrándose en la admiración juvenil que profesba por el espíritu justiciero de Don Quijote. Curiosamente, esa factura política no se ha pasado a la novelista Cristina Morales, ni al político Iñigo Errejón (que cita la frase «Solo los los ricos pueden permitirse no tener patria») ni al grupo de rock Fuerza Nueva, que también usa referencias falangistas.
DBpedia is a crowd-sourced community effort to extract structured content from the information created in various Wikimedia projects. This structured information resembles an open knowledge graph (OKG) which is available for everyone on the Web. A knowledge graph is a special kind of database which stores knowledge in a machine-readable form and provides a means for information to be collected, organised, shared, searched and utilised. Google uses a similar approach to create those knowledge cards during search. We hope that this work will make it easier for the huge amount of information in Wikimedia projects to be used in some new interesting ways.
DBpedia data is served as Linked Data, which is revolutionizing the way applications interact with the Web. One can navigate this Web of facts with standard Web browsers, automated crawlers or pose complex queries with SQL-like query languages (e.g. SPARQL).
Availability of Appointments for the Vaccination Centers in Berlin
This is not the official site for booking your vaccination appointment. If you haven’t done so yet, please visit the Berlin Service-Portalfor more information about who is currently eligible to book an appointment, what vaccine brands are available, how to book an appointment, etc.
This site updates in near real-time with open appointment slots. There is no need to refresh the page to see updated information, so please do not refresh the page.
Open edX Project
The Open edX platform provides the massively scalable learning software technology behind edX
edX is the online learning destination founded
by Harvard and MIT in 2012
edX offers high-quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions to learners everywhere. It is the only leading MOOC provider that is both nonprofit and open source. The edX mission is to:
- Increase access to high-quality education for everyone, everywhere
- Enhance teaching and learning on campus and online
- Advance teaching and learning through research
CodeNewbie Podcast
Stories from people on their coding journey.
[Full Guide] What Does OEM Unlock Mean and How to Enable it
OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer which was introduced in Android devices after the Android Lollipop update. The OEM unlocking Android is important for you if you want to unlock your device’s bootloader. After unlocking the device’s bootloader, you can root it, and customer ROMs for better performance. Most importantly, the OEM unlock doesn’t cause damage to your android phone.
The Bootloader is an operating system that resides in storage and needs to be loaded into the memory before use. When your device starts, its memory does not have programs for accessing components such as I/O devices or storage.
On the other side, the Fastboot OEM unlock means turning on a special switch that helps you in unlocking the bootloader by using fastboot commands. The Bootloader and OEM unlock are inter-related as you need to perform the OEM unlock to unlock the device’s bootloader. Without enabling OEM unlock, your device might not process the bootloader unlocking command. Most importantly, OEM unlock does not harm your android device. With bootloader unlock, you can enjoy additional features on your phone. Most importantly, you can add a custom ROM, kernel, and root your device for easy customization.
What is stock Android?
Stock Android, also known by some as vanilla or pure Android, is the most basic version of the OS designed and developed by Google. It’s an unmodified version of Android, meaning device manufacturers have installed it as is.
The biggest advantage of stock Android is fast updates. Smartphones running it are among the first to get upgraded to the latest versions of OS, while owners of Samsung, LG, and other smartphones typically have to wait for quite some time to get an update. That’s because these manufacturers have to modify a lot of the software before they can release it, which isn’t the case with stock Android.
The second reason is that stock Android smartphones are bloatware-free, meaning they don’t come pre-installed with apps made by the manufacturer that you’ll likely never use.
The Oracle for Transfeminist Technologies
this oracle is a hands-on card deck designed to help us collectively envision and share ideas for transfeminist technologies from the future.
Building a Feminist toolkit to question A.I. systems is an ongoing effort, work in progress debate that seeks to contribute to the development of a feminist framework to question algorithmic decisions making systems that are being deployed by the public sector. Our ultimate goal is to develop arguments and build bridges for advocacy with different human rights groups, from women’s rights defenders to LGBTIQ + groups, especially in Latin America to address the trend in which governments are adopting A.I. systems to deploy social policies, not only without considering human rights implications but also in disregard of oppressive power relations that might be amplified through a false sense of neutrality brought by automation. Automation of the status quo, pertained by inequalities and discrimination.
The current debate of A.I. principles and frameworks is mostly focused on “how to fix it?”, instead of to “why we actually need it?” and “for whose benefit”. Therefore, the first tool of our toolkit to question A.I. systems is the scheme of Oppressive A.I. that we drafted based on both, empirical analysis of cases from Latin America and bibliographic review of critical literature. Is a particular A.I system based on surveilling the poor? Is it automating neoliberal policies? Is it based on precarious labor and colonial extractivism of data bodies and resources from our territories? Who develops it is part of the group targeted by it or its likely to restate structural inequalities of race, gender, sexuality? Can the wider community have enough transparency to check by themselves the accuracy in the answers to the previous questions?
What is a feminist approach to consent? How can it be applied to technologies? Those simple questions were able to shed light on how limited is the individualistic notion of consent proposed in data protection frameworks.
Israel, un Estado construido sobre Sheikh Jarrah
Bajo el amparo de las grandes familias de la aristocracia askenazí, el Primer Congreso Sionista (1897) acordó la necesidad de “establecer para el pueblo judío un hogar seguro pública y jurídicamente en Palestina”. La maquinaria se puso en marcha.
En este contexto en 1901 y 1908 se fundaron el Fondo Nacional Judío y la Agencia Judía, organismos que recibieron en donación los lotes comprados por la aristocracia askenazí y que a partir de este momento actuaron como coordinadores del esfuerzo colonizador.
Así, los judíos comenzaron a dispersarse por las franjas fértiles y no montañosas de la región al tiempo que multiplicaban su presencia: de los 15.011 ya mencionados en 1878 a los 83.790 que aparecen en el censo británico de 1922 y los 174.610 censados en 1931.
La tensión explotó por primera vez de forma masiva en 1936. Ante las cesiones continuas de la administración colonial al movimiento sionista, los palestinos convocaron una huelga general que fue duramente reprimida.
Mientras, la llegada masiva de judíos alemanes, a pesar de ser ilegalizada, se disparó: según estima la propia Agencia Judía, en el periodo 1934-1948, en torno a 115.000 judíos llegaron a las costas de Palestina.
La confirmación definitiva llegó con la aprobación de la Resolución 181 de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidad, en la que se exponía un plan de partición que actualizaba una vez más los territorios del Estado judío y del árabe según los últimos avances de las colonizaciones en el desierto del Negev. Aquello resultó ser el detonante que necesitaban las organizaciones sionistas para proclamar unilateralmente su Estado. Después, el Desastre.
¿Cómo nos sentiríamos si de la noche a la mañana, todos los ingleses que viven en nuestra costa proclamasen un Estado propio esgrimiendo los títulos de propiedad de sus casas?
Inside the Wild World of Keirin, Japan’s Brake-Free Bicycle Racing
The sport started in Japan and dates to 1948, when it was created specifically as a betting sport. Even now it remains just one of four sports upon which betting is legal (the others being horse racing, boat racing, and Formula 1).
The sport is highly regulated in Japan, because of the gambling involved. Before each race, cyclists announce their tactics so people know how to bet. For example, a rider may say he will ride seiko, staying out front but not getting aggressive until the very end. Riders’ positions within the pace line often play to specific strengths, like sprinting or blocking. The sport requires exceptional endurance, as top-tier racers—who can earn many hundreds of thousands of dollars annually—may compete in as many as a dozen races a day during meets that last four days. Competitors are housed in dormitories and denied access to the Internet or phones, to prevent cheating or other shenanigans that may affect the betting.
PGP Marks 30th Anniversary
PGP ignited the decade of the Crypto Wars, resulting in all the western democracies dropping their restrictions on the use of strong cryptography. It was a storied and thrilling decade, and a triumph of activism for the right to have a private conversation.
Yet, we now see a number of governments trying to do exactly that. Pushing back against end-to-end encryption. We see it in Australia, the UK, the US, and other liberal democracies. Twenty years after we all thought we won the Crypto Wars. Do we have to mobilize again? Veterans of the Crypto Wars may have trouble fitting into their old uniforms. Remember that scene in The Incredibles when Mr. Incredible tries to squeeze into his old costume? We are going to need fresh troops.
It’s not only personal freedom at stake. It’s national security. The reckless deployment of Huawei 5G infrastructure across Europe has created easy opportunities for Chinese SIGINT. End-to-end encryption products are essential for European national security, to counter a hostile SIGINT environment controlled by China. We must push back hard in policy space to preserve the right to end-to-end encryption.
PHP setcookie “SameSite=Strict”?
You can use the $options array to set the samesite value, for example:
setcookie($name, $value, [
‘expires’ => time() + 86400,
‘path’ => ‘/’,
‘domain’ => ‘’,
‘secure’ => true,
‘httponly’ => true,
‘samesite’ => ‘None’,
The value of the samesite element should be either None, Lax or Strict.
Setting Cookies in WordPress
So how do you set cookies in WordPress? With core constants:
COOKIEPATH — Server path in which the cookie will be available on.
COOKIE_DOMAIN — The (sub)domain that the cookie is available to.
Setting cookies in WordPress, especially the expiration is a cinch using one of the core time constants, available since v3.5:
MINUTE_IN_SECONDS = 60 seconds
HOUR_IN_SECONDS = 3,600 seconds
DAY_IN_SECONDS = 86,400 seconds
WEEK_IN_SECONDS = 604,800 seconds
MONTH_IN_SECONDS = 2,629,746 seconds
YEAR_IN_SECONDS = 31,556,952 seconds
Don’t forget to add the current timestamp to one of these constants, for example:
// 5 minutes into the future
$five_minutes = current_time( ‘timestamp’ ) + ( MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 5 );
Los Super Follows de Twitter y el imparable crecimiento de la economía freemium
Conseguir que un seguidor evolucione y se decida a pagar por unos contenidos consiste, fundamentalmente, en dos aspectos: el primero, que perciba un valor suficiente en el contenido como para querer seguir accediendo a él cuando se sitúe tras un muro de pago, en lugar de preferir simplemente intentar encontrar contenidos similares en otro sitio.
Twitter Blue y la lógica evolución hacia el freemium
…la idea de Twitter es diversificar sus ingresos para reducir la fuerte dependencia actual de la publicidad (más de un 85% de sus ingresos) y disponer de un grupo de usuarios que valoran la aplicación lo suficiente como para pagar por ella con los que ensayar nuevas funciones, etc. Como en casos similares, nos equivocaremos si intentamos interpretar Twitter Blue como un lanzamiento «para todo el mundo»: como buen servicio premium, está pensado específicamente para aquellos usuarios que utilizan Twitter mucho…
La deriva hacia servicios de suscripción en internet es cada vez más clara: la publicidad, que alimentó muchísimos servicios en la red desde sus orígenes, es cada vez más vista como algo molesto, incómodo, incluso persecutorio o agobiante y que genera cada vez mayor rechazo, hasta el punto de que muchos usuarios la intentan bloquear mediante distintos tipos de soluciones. Cada vez son más los servicios que se plantean ofrecer a sus usuarios la posibilidad de disfrutar de las prestaciones que ofrecen, pero a cambio de un modelo de suscripción. Algunos emprendedores opinan directamente que la lógica debería ser que aquellos que quieren disfrutar de un producto paguen por él de alguna manera, y que la publicidad en muchas de sus interpretaciones es, como tal, un modelo fallido.
Además del servicio de suscripción, la compañía ha lanzado recientemente un servicio que permite a los usuarios recibir donaciones por sus tweets, y está trabajando en los llamados super follows que permiten a un usuario ofrecer suscripciones a sus seguidores.
How to Create a Custom WordPress Gutenberg Block: Tutorial Series
In the first parts we focus on the basics. We set up a development environment with running compilation of our code. And the basics of how to register a block and the necessary PHP parts of it as well. We’ll learn about the huge library of components and methods available to us from WordPress Gutenberg.
Moving on we’ll learn about how to add sections and settings for our block in the editor sidebar (Inspector) as well as customizing the toolbar. Along the way we’ll touch a lot of different input types and how to use Gutenberg’s component for these. And of course we’ll learn how to save, update and output the saved information to our block – and how that works behind the scenes.
At the end we’ll look at more advanced things like dynamic blocks and how to use PHP to render the block output. And finally how to make post queries inside the editor – allowing the user to select a post from a list for render.
Intercept WordPress API Requests
Say you want to intercept a response from any WordPress API call before it gets returned to the user? For example, you want to block /users/ route or append additional content to a /posts/ response. Simply call the rest_pre_echo_response filter and you can modify all responses!
Adds value `lang` and `translations` to WP REST api response for each Post and Page request for site running the Polylang Pro plugin.
Adds polylang_translations and keeps lang to WP REST api response for each Post and Page request for site running the Polylang Pro plugin.
Extending Gutenberg With SlotFill and Filters
SlotFill is a modernized take on classic interface “hooks and filters”—a convention for empowering developers to extend the publishing interface outside of the block editor itself—that found its way into WordPress.
Gutenberg : override core blocks rendering
The easiest way to achieve this, is to consider the gallery as a Dynamic block and re-declare its render through PHP:
One thousand and one way to extend Gutenberg today
Extensibility is key, and we can’t build the next generation of the WordPress Editor without making it extensible. What does “making it extensible” mean? Does this mean providing hooks and filters in JavaScript the same way we do in PHP? Does this mean allowing plugins to extend and tweak any UI component used by Gutenberg? Does this mean adding filters to the REST API? Does this mean Giving access to an Editor object to manipulate the editor’s content?
There’s no clear answer to all these questions. Extensibility is a very difficult problem and unless you build it with real use-cases in mind, you’re more likely to get it wrong. (and being stuck with it for a long time).
Paged.js for creating printable documents with HTML and CSS
just came across paged.js, a JavaScript library specifically made to make it easy to use HTML and CSS to make websites that look nice when printed or saved as PDFs, and it looks really interesting.