Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. Archivo de navegación. Página 14

En agosto de 2020 había 321.496 viviendas turísticas anunciadas en España. Seis meses después, en febrero de 2021, 294.698 (casi 27.000 menos). Barcelona, Girona y Málaga fueron las provincias donde más anuncios ‘desaparecieron’, mientras que en la provincia de Las Palmas hubo un aumento de 190 anuncios. Pandemias aparte, febrero es temporada alta en Canarias y hay un aumento de viviendas puestas en alquiler vacacional.

En agosto de 2020 había 1,6 millones de plazas anunciadas; en febrero, 130.000 menos. La foto no es fija y cambiará según el mes del rastreo, en función de cuánta gente decida sacar una vivienda (o una habitación) al mercado. Una limitación de estos datos del INE es que la serie empieza en pandemia, así que no podemos comparar con cuántas viviendas turísticas había antes. En 2018, calculó a partir de datos de DataHippo que había 238.420 alojamientos activos.

Más allá de la pérdida cualitativa y la mencionada acumulación de funciones, en este tipo de burbujas dirigentes aparece otro conocido fenómeno limitante, el llamado Síndrome de Hibris, la enfermedad por antonomasia del poder. Un mal que afecta siempre a los liderazgos fuertes y un poco aislados.

…allí donde todos te dan la razón para ganarse tu favor, para salvaguardar su posición, temerosos de que sostener una discrepancia acabe por defenestrarlos, se pierde perspectiva a marchas forzadas. Se disipa la riqueza dialéctica, se evalúa peor la realidad exterior, se estrecha el horizonte visible.

Parece inevitable que este mal pase factura a toda dirección de partido no obligada a la confrontación de marcos teóricos, por más que ponga el foco en la articulación de lo diverso en vez de en la unificación, si al final lo hace desde equipos cerrados, homogéneos, e impermeables, o desde paradigmas excesivamente depurados.

You might gain a more comfortable ride using 650B wheels and tires, since the increased volume in the tires might allow you to use a lower pressure than with the 700X 28mm-30mm tires. Traction is another area where this swap might make sense for the rider, as a bigger, wider contact patch results when a lower pressure 650B tire is used over that of the 700c X 28-30mm tire.

I could always feel that I was pedaling more with the 650B wheels versus a set of 700c X 38-40mm wheels and tires. Momentum can be an important thing on looser gravel, or softer terrain, and in these cases, I feel a 700c wheel set has a bit of an upper hand. That said, it is hard to argue that a 650B and fat tire set up tubeless does not have a better ride feel than anything 700c X 40mm or so.

I feel a smaller diameter wheel is a bit less stable in terms of getting knocked off line, or in terms of lateral stability on loose gravel, than a 700c wheel and fat gravel tire.

So i just took my phone out from the case for cleaning and found that the top right corner has a crack, the phone has not been dropped since last 3 months. there is no crack on the screen as well. Google says that there is no warranty that covers this and it will go into repair.

My power button failed and they will not warranty because of this same crack being present with no other damage. I have to pay $130 to replace it at a Google repair partner and then they did say that they would warranty the power button issue. With that said, it makes me feel they are more than aware of the issue as the repair partner has multiple back covers in stock.

Prosus (PROSY) has announced its intention to acquire Stack Overflow for 1.8 billion dollars. This is tremendously exciting news for our employees, our customers, our community members, and for our shareholders, and I will share a bit more about what it all means.

How you use our site and our products will not change in the coming weeks or months, just as our company’s goals and strategic priorities remain the same. As the acquisition is finalized, and we continue to partner with Prosus, I will keep you all posted through my regular quarterly blog posts and Teresa Dietrich, our Chief Product and Technology Officer, will do the same in her quarterly community blog posts.

Depuis 1989, le Stoc évalue les tendances des communautés d’oiseaux spécialistes des milieux agricoles, des milieux bâtis et des milieux forestiers, ainsi que celles des généralistes. La chute la plus importante concerne les oiseaux spécialistes des milieux agricoles (telles que les alouettes des champs ou les perdrix grises), qui ont perdu 29,5% de leurs effectifs en trente ans.

Cette diminution drastique des populations d’oiseaux des champs «est concomitante de l’intensification des pratiques agricoles ces dernières décennies, plus particulièrement depuis 2008-2009, alerte le rapport. Une période qui correspond entre autres à la généralisation des néonicotinoïdes, insecticides neurotoxiques très persistants». Autre facteur majeur du déclin des oiseaux spécialistes des milieux agricoles, «la disparition des habitats qui leur sont favorables par l’uniformisation des paysages (grandes parcelles en monoculture, disparition des haies) dans les zones d’agriculture intensive».

The move to form the Cycling Marketing Board comes after research showed the potential in engaging new audiences, many introduced to cycling through the COVID-19 pandemic. New cyclists were 59% male and 41% female, it was found, with women having been twice as likely to start cycling during the pandemic. New cyclists were twice as likely to be from a BAME group.

Cartografia Critica del Estrecho de Gibraltar Cartografia Critica del Estrecho de Gibraltar

A lo largo del año 2004 un equipo colaborativo desarrolló el proyecto titulado “Una cartografía del territorio geopolítico del Estrecho de Gibraltar”. El producto visible de esta colaboración fueron dos mapas en papel (cara a y b) que presentaban lecturas alternativas de este territorio singular. El proyecto surgió de la red Indymedia Estrecho y vinculado a Fadaiat 2004, un encuentro de artistas, activistas y tecnólogos entre las dos orillas del Estrecho. Se trataba de presentar la visión desde la perspectiva de estas redes de este espacio geográfico como lugar de conflictos sociopolíticos, y también de presentar su propio trabajo como proyecto de transformación de este territorio. Las tres líneas principales de investigación-acción de Indymedia Estrecho se reflejaban en la cartografía: 1/ migraciones y frontera; 2/ nueva composición del trabajo, precarización; y 3/ comunicación independiente y conocimiento libre. En la cara a de la cartografía se mapeaban como flujos que atravesaban la frontera los procesos que venían ocurriendo en el Estrecho: militarización, migraciones, deslocalización del capital, comunicación y movimientos sociales. En la cara b se presentaban las redes de movimientos sociales activas a ambos lados de la frontera, así como sus proyectos políticos a corto y medio plazo – con lo que el mapa se convertía además en una herramienta de organización.

Hervé This (il a signé This-Benckhard, et il signe parfois This vo Kientza), né le 5 juin 1955 à Suresnes, est un physico-chimiste français. Il est connu pour être l’inventeur avec Nicholas Kurti de la gastronomie moléculaire, mais aussi de la cuisine moléculaire. En 1994, il a proposé la « cuisine note à note ».

Recently IRC has been in the tech news because of an “event” with the Freenode server. Freenode is the IRC network that many open source projects call home. After a really public breakup between the owner of Freenode and a fair number of the people working for the network, a new IRC network was created call Libera Chat. I thought that maybe now was a good time to try some new channels on a new IRC network.

The concept is simple. A neutral track racer—not a derny motorcycle as used at the Olympics—starts in front of a peloton of nine racers and sets the pace for about a mile. He systematically increases the speed to 50 kilometers per hour and leaves the track half a mile before the finish. That’s when the keirin racers start jostling for position before making their sprints to the finish line.

World War II left Japan in massive debt. Money was necessary for the country to rise up from the debris of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so, in 1948, the Japanese government introduced the sport of keirin, with the intent of gaining from the gambling that accompanied it. The same goes for keiba (horse racing) and keitei (powerboat racing).

That is why the keirin rulebook has remained unchanged since its introduction 70 years ago. This is the opposite of the rules in western sports, where they are ever changing. So today, every keirin race in Japan is still based on nine identical steel-framed track bikes, the only difference between them being the seat’s height.

It’s a gambling sport, so the money the racers make depends on the bets made by keirin fans. At the beginning of each race, those fans receive information on the competing cyclists, including their condition, the thickness of their thighs, their blood type, their race tactics and, in some cases, their zodiac sign. For the people watching this is more than a sport.

Injuries are very common here—the average keirin racer breaks his collarbone twice in his career. That’s understandable if you know about all the contact allowed during the sprints. You even see the occasional head butt, which in turn explains why the helmets are the size of an astronaut’s.

The monastic life on the Izu peninsula prepares the students for the loneliness of a keirin tournament. Before each tournament, they go into a kind of quarantine, to counter match fixing. Again, the riders have to hand over their mobile phones and laptops to the organizers, and just a bed, a bicycle and a series of races await them. For days, they can only talk to each other.

So, the difference between dual standby and dual active dual SIM Android phones are:

  • No difference when the phone is in standby mode.
  • When you are using one of the SIM cards for voice calling (or sending SMS) through 2G network, the other SIM card will be disabled in dual standby phones.

4G+2G dual SIM phones can connect only one SIM card to 4G (or 3G) network. The other SIM card can only connect to 2G. Usually, the SIM card slot does NOT matter. Most dual SIM Android phones allow you to specify and change them.

The definition of online privacy has been expanded to include many more elements beyond the basic definition. With today’s advanced Internet technology, having “privacy” is no longer simple. In fact, it is about being able to have much more control over the information that others can access about you and your activities. Many people are concerned about the security of their phones. While it may seem like common sense, many individuals do not realize how easy it can be for a person to take advantage of technology when they have the ability to secure their online privacy by using Linux secure phones.

Google’s vision for Android is to present it as a unified platform across devices. It has created an Open Handset Alliance (OHA) with over 84 members. Companies who are a part of it can actively contribute to the development of the “open” Android.

But they’ll have to settle their dreams of having an Android fork of their own someday. If they want to do so, they’ll have to quit the alliance.

But are AOSP-based operating systems really an alternative?

The answer is ‘No’ if you consider them at the fundamental level. Duval also didn’t consider it an alternative right away. But he says Google is restricting the use of apps on AOSP is one of the reasons for that.

He also said that “in 2019 you cannot consider only the mobile Operating System. You need to think about the “whole ecosystem” including the operating system, applications, and online services. That makes complete sense.

In fact, I read a detailed piece on Ars Technica, and came to know that Google has many legal weapons in its arsenal which make it virtually impossible for some company to create an Android fork (with Google Apps), pre-load it on devices, and sell to the people without Google’s approval.

One might plan to build an Android alternative without Google Apps. But the apps that we run on Android rely on the Google Play Services API for much of their functionality.

To get the Google apps on your Android fork, you (company) need to have a license from Google. And it’s believed that getting the license is a lot easier if you become a part of the Open Handset Alliance (OHA). But companies that are part of the OHA are legally restricted from building non-Google approved devices.

Fairphone and e Foundation are teaming up and taking the rare step of selling a non-Google Android phone to the public. The Fairphone 3, a midrange smartphone originally released in September 2019, can now come pre-loaded with the /e/ OS, a fork of Android that replaces the usual suite of Google apps and services with open source options and /e/’s cloud services. The goal of the two companies is to produce a «privacy conscious and sustainable phone.»

The new OS option, the oddly named (and impossible to Google) /e/ OS, was founded by Gaël Duval, the creator of Mandrake Linux. /e/ seems a lot like a real Linux distribution, in that it first tries to gather existing open source projects into a cohesive OS, then does whatever work is needed to fill in the gaps that exist. /e/ is based on Lineage OS, the Android community’s foundational open source operating system. Lineage (which was built out of the ashes of CyanogenMod) takes Google’s open source Android repo (AOSP) and cleans it up for individual devices, making sure all the hardware works on each device while adding a few extra features.

A major challenge for anyone trying to fork Android is keeping up with both the breakneck pace of Google’s Android development and the impossible amount of devices out there. Any users of /e/ should know they’ll most likely be on an old version of Android for the majority of the time. The LineageOS builds that /e/ is based on only hit Android 10 earlier this month, something like seven months after Google’s final release. Naturally, /e/ is still on Android 9, a 20-month-old OS.

A proprietary device driver is a closed-source device driver published only in binary code. In the context of free and open-source software, a closed-source device driver is referred to as a blob or binary blob. The term usually refers to a closed-source kernel module loaded into the kernel of an open-source operating system, and is sometimes also applied to code running outside the kernel, such as system firmware images…

I’ve found tires make much more a difference in ride quality over frame material. In fact, I’d be willing to bet an honest blind test would reveal the steel/alum/carbon frame debate null. Agree with fit being your best indicator.

For gravel, steel all the way. If you can get on wider tires, all the better.

/e/ OS is the brainchild of Gaël Duval, one of the developers that created Mandrake Linux, which is now known as Mandriva Linux. Formerly Eelo, /e/ is a privacy-minded mobile operating system. Based on LineageOS, which is in turn based on the late CyanogenMod, /e/ is an Android derivative and maintains app compatibility.

However, because of the un-Googling of the operating system, which any Android savvy users will understand is a large task, many apps that rely on Google’s services are left unusable. To remedy this issue, /e/ employs the MicroG package. It’s an open source subset of Google’s services that respects privacy. This allows many apps to work, but far from all.

When I started out with my first company, Zip2, I thought patents were a good thing and worked hard to obtain them. And maybe they were good long ago, but too often these days they serve merely to stifle progress, entrench the positions of giant corporations and enrich those in the legal profession, rather than the actual inventors. After Zip2, when I realized that receiving a patent really just meant that you bought a lottery ticket to a lawsuit, I avoided them whenever possible.

At Tesla, however, we felt compelled to create patents out of concern that the big car companies would copy our technology and then use their massive manufacturing, sales and marketing power to overwhelm Tesla. We couldn’t have been more wrong. The unfortunate reality is the opposite: electric car programs (or programs for any vehicle that doesn’t burn hydrocarbons) at the major manufacturers are small to non-existent, constituting an average of far less than 1% of their total vehicle sales.

Francisco Jurado: «El 15M tenía tres patas: las asambleas, la parte más física; las manifestaciones, momentos puntuales catárquicos; y grupos temáticos cibernéticos, minoritarios (15M pa Rato, PAH, auditoría ciudadana de la deuda…) que fueron los que permitieron resistir el invierno cuando se hacía más duro asistir a las asambleas.»

Con alcaldías como las de Madrid y Barcelona, de la mano de Podemos y sus aliados, el activismo de la generación de la crisis de 2008 tocaba poder, con un PP asfixiado por los casos de corrupción y un PSOE en crisis de relevo generacional. En vez de celebrar la capacidad de integración del sistema, los sectores conservadores pusieron a Podemos en el punto de mira. Predomina, no solo en el PP, sino también en el espacio socialista una concepción muy estrecha de la democracia, como un sistema corporativo en el que dos partidos tendrían el monopolio del poder y a los demás les correspondería un papel estrictamente decorativo o subalterno.

De modo que la democracia no se valora por su capacidad inclusiva, sino todo lo contrario: por mantener a distancia a todo aquel que ose llamar a la puerta del bipolio del poder.

La coincidencia entre el décimo aniversario del 15-M y la salida de Iglesias de la política invita a hablar de final de etapa. El 15-M puso en evidencia el anquilosamiento del régimen del 78, los estragos de la crisis y abrió una agenda de renovación, pero la dificultad (agravada por la pandemia) de afrontar los retos que ellos mismos se habían marcado fue degradando su imagen.

Si la izquierda quiere sobrevivir al fin del ciclo abierto el 15-M ha de ser desde una cultura del cuidado y la atención, es decir, del trato a los ciudadanos como sujetos y no como súbditos, que es lo que distingue a la democracia del autoritarismo. Saber escuchar y pasar del adoctrinamiento al reconocimiento. Feminismo y ecologismo saben algo de ello.

Au niveau des matériaux, on trouve principalement de l’acier, de l’aluminium du carbone. L’acier, solide, est plutôt destiné à un usage loisir, pour la randonnée ou les parcours un peu cassants alors que le cadre carbone, plus léger et nerveux sera plutôt destiné à la route ou à un usage très sportif. L’aluminium représentant un excellent compromis entre les 2.

From a functional/practical stand point I think there are many instances where carbon forks do not make sense (e.g., commuter bikes), but manufactures include them because of the public perception out there (which ironically manufacturers helped create). For most regular bikes, I think a steel fork is a more sensible choice: It typically offers a compliant ride and is more robust to physical damage than carbon; but many would view a steel fork as a step backwards simply because steel is colloquially viewed as an «old» material.

Le téléphone est maintenant capable de se réveiller de la veille profonde (deep sleep) en cas d’appel ou de texto. On peut ainsi paramétrer la mise en veille pour augmenter la durée de la batterie sans craindre de rater un appel important. Ça allonge grandement l’autonomie, grâce à ça et d’autres améliorations l’appareil tient en moyenne un jour et demi, voire deux jours selon l’utilisation ; hourra !

Attention la fonction réveil de gnome-clocks ne sais pas faire sortir le téléphone de veille. On ne peut donc pas encore se réveiller avec le PinePhone, du moins pas sans bidouiller un peu, par exemple avec un script ou en installant l’application Wake Mobile (je n’ai pas testé).

Calls est encore pas mal perfectible. Exemple, lors d’un appel entrant, il affiche uniquement le numéro même si celui-ci est connu dans les contacts, avoir le nom serait plus pratique. Il m’est arrivé aussi que la sonnerie continue de jouer après avoir décroché ; c’est rigolo… ou pas, selon la situation.

Prendre une photo, pour le moment ça cafouille sévère, le résultat laisse à désirer mais ça s’améliore à chaque mise à jour de Megapixels.

L’autonomie est hautement perfectible, il faut le charger tous les jours, voire deux fois par jour selon l’utilisation. J’espère que les développeurs parviendront à mieux optimiser la consommation d’énergie dans un futur pas trop lointain.

I used wget, which is available on any linux-ish system (I ran it on the same Ubuntu server that hosts the sites).

wget –mirror -p –html-extension –convert-links -e robots=off -P . http://url-to-site

That command doesn’t throttle the requests, so it could cause problems if the server has high load. Here’s what that line does:

–mirror: turns on recursion etc… rather than just downloading the single file at the root of the URL, it’ll now suck down the entire site.
-p: download all prerequisites (supporting media etc…) rather than just the html
–html-extension: this adds .html after the downloaded filename, to make sure it plays nicely on whatever system you’re going to view the archive on
–convert-links: rewrite the URLs in the downloaded html files, to point to the downloaded files rather than to the live site. this makes it nice and portable, with everything living in a self-contained directory.
-e robots=off: executes the «robots off» command, telling wget to ignore any directive to ignore the site in question. This is strictly Not a Good Thing To Do, but if you own the site, this is OK. If you don’t own the site being archived, you should obey all robots.txt files or you’ll be a Very Bad Person.
-P .: set the download directory to something. I left it at the default «.» (which means «here») but this is where you could pass in a directory path to tell wget to save the archived site. Handy, if you’re doing this on a regular basis (say, as a cron job or something…)
http://url-to-site: this is the full URL of the site to download. You’ll likely want to change this.

The Cybersecurity Tech Accord promotes a safer online world by fostering collaboration among global technology companies committed to protecting their customers and users and helping them defend against malicious threats.

Signatories are committed to advancing the mission of the Cybersecurity Tech Accord by partnering on initiatives that improve the security, stability and resilience of cyberspace. By combining the resources and expertise of the global technology industry, the Cybersecurity Tech Accord creates a starting point for dialogue, discovery and decisive action.

The Web ARChive (WARC) archive format specifies a method for combining multiple digital resources into an aggregate archive file together with related information. The WARC format is a revision of the Internet Archive’s ARC_IA File Format[4] that has traditionally been used to store «web crawls» as sequences of content blocks harvested from the World Wide Web. The WARC format generalizes the older format to better support the harvesting, access, and exchange needs of archiving organizations. Besides the primary content currently recorded, the revision accommodates related secondary content, such as assigned metadata, abbreviated duplicate detection events, and later-date transformations.

From the discussion about Working with ARCHIVE.ORG, we learn that it is important to save not just files but also HTTP headers.

To download a file and save the request and response data to a WARC file, run this:

wget «» –warc-file=»at»

This will download the file to index.html, but it will also create a file at-00000.warc.gz. This is a gzipped WARC file that contains the request and response headers (of the initial redirect and of the Wiki homepage) and the html data.

If you want to have an uncompressed WARC file, use the –no-warc-compression option:

wget «» –warc-file=»at» –no-warc-compression

When IA first started doing their thing, they came across a problem: how do you actually save all of the information related to a website as it existed at a point in time? IA wanted to capture it all, including headers, images, stylesheets, etc.

After a lot of revision the smart folks there built a specification for a file format named WARC, for Web ARCive. The details aren’t super important, but the gist is that it will preserve everything, including headers, in a verifiable, indexed, checksumed format.

The goal of this article is to explain our experience, as Society of Catalan Archivists and Records Managers (AAC) members, in the field of social web archiving. To that end, we have structured it in three main parts, the first of which is to show the importance of archival science as a political tool in the framework of the information society. The second part focuses on the path followed by the AAC from its first steps taken to preserve social web hashtags, in order to gain technical expertise, to the reflection on the theoretical background required to go beyond the mere collection of social web content that led us to the definition of a new type of archival fonds: the social fonds. Finally, the third part sets out the case study of #Cuéntalo. Thanks to our previous experiences, this hashtag, created to denounce male violence, enabled us to design a more robust project that not only included the gathering and preservation of data but also a vast auto-categorisation exercise using a natural language processing algorithm that assisted in the design of a dynamic and startling data visualisation covering the 160,000 original tweets involved.

function slugify($urlString) {
$search = array(‘Ș’, ‘Ț’, ‘ş’, ‘ţ’, ‘Ş’, ‘Ţ’, ‘ș’, ‘ț’, ‘î’, ‘â’, ‘ă’, ‘Î’, ‘ ‘, ‘Ă’, ‘ë’, ‘Ë’);
$replace = array(‘s’, ‘t’, ‘s’, ‘t’, ‘s’, ‘t’, ‘s’, ‘t’, ‘i’, ‘a’, ‘a’, ‘i’, ‘a’, ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘E’);
$str = str_ireplace($search, $replace, strtolower(trim($urlString)));
$str = preg_replace(‘/[^\w\d\-\ ]/’, », $str);
$str = str_replace(‘ ‘, ‘-‘, $str);
return preg_replace(‘/\-{2,}’, ‘-‘, $str);

En este sentido, Iván Oriola, tratando de profundizar en la razón última que le hizo regresar de su querido Washington, en el que mantiene casa, y sobre todo amigos, y al que regresa a menudo, le pregunta por el proceso que siguieron con él para ponerle el caramelo en la boca. “En realidad, la idea fue de un director general que ya no está, desgraciadamente falleció poco después, Alejandro Nieto, que quería desde el principio que me incorporara a Madrid, en realidad, quería cambiarlo todo. Y me dejó la oferta encima de la mesa. En mi contrato de entonces me respetó una duración de un año, transcurrido el cual, regresaría a Estados Unidos. Creo que luego fue Lluís Rodríguez Pi el que orientó el programa hacia el fin de semana, donde se podía innovar mucho más libremente que entre semana, donde hay muchas más servidumbres.

Elegí el periodismo -le comenta a Iván Oriola- porque quería una profesión donde pasármelo bien, y poder viajar, que me encanta. Y las dos cosas me las ha proporcionado

Esto me recuerda que me contó no hace mucho Eduardo Mendoza que lo que más le gusta en la vida es ser extranjero. Ha vivido un tiempo en Nueva York como traductor y en Londres, y esa sensación que tú describes es la más confortable. Yo sumaría una cosa más, lo dice un buen amigo mío americano que se llama Simon Blinder. Dice que como extranjero tengo derecho a actuar con total impunidad. «You can get away with anything», me decía, «te lo van a perdonar todo».

…que tú como corresponsal seas un poco la experiencia vicaria del lector o del oyente en el país en el que estás. Entonces, tú cuentas un poco tu vida a través de las crónicas y, entonces, el lector va a entender mucho mejor lo que está pasando, porque son tus ojos los que lo están viendo. Saben que tú eres un padre de familia, que tienes una determinada edad, que llevas un determinado tiempo y conocen un poco tu contexto. Y yo creo que los mejores corresponsales que ha tenido este país son aquellos que han conseguido crear un personaje con su propia estancia en ese país.

Estados Unidos es por ejemplo un país en el que el fracaso está bien visto y forma parte de tu aprendizaje, pero un español en su currículum nunca escribiría los fracasos que ha tenido. Por ejemplo, que montó una empresa, contrató a cuarenta personas y tuvo que acabar cerrando porque no consiguió inversiones, no lo pondría nunca. Un americano lo pone, porque significa que ha emprendido, ha creado algo que luego no ha funcionado, pero que lo ha intentado, y entonces lleva esa forma de aprendizaje y lleva eso consigo. El fracaso forma parte de la llegada hacia el éxito. Es una etapa, y por eso el fracaso es siempre bienvenido. A los niños americanos, cuando hacen algo mal, siempre les dicen: «No, esto está mal, pero no importa, porque de esto has aprendido y tienes que cambiar esto», o sea, les están enseñando a aprovechar ese fracaso para seguir subiendo.

Yo vivo cada día pensando que estoy en un paréntesis, y puede serlo o no serlo, pero tengo la sensación de que yo seguramente volveré allí más pronto que tarde, que estoy aquí de paso. Hasta el punto de que incluso en nuestra casa en España hay cosas que no hacemos porque, si crees que mucho más no vas a durar, para qué vas a pintar el pasillo. Lo dramático es que es la misma sensación con la que llegué a Washington de corresponsal, y lo que me pasará cuando mis hijas escojan —seguro que pasa— países diferentes para vivir. Así que creo sinceramente que esa es una sensación con la que voy a vivir el resto de mi vida: la sensación de que, esté donde esté, es temporal.

Nosotros hemos hablado de lo bien que se siente uno siendo extranjero, una sensación muy agradable, pero, claro, somos extranjeros de piel blanca en un país donde también hay blancos, somos extranjeros bien tratados. Para mí una de las cosas más maravillosas que me ha enseñado Estados Unidos es que allí, cuando quieren saber de dónde eres, te lo preguntan de una manera que es absolutamente integradora, te preguntan: «Where are you from originally?», de dónde eres originalmente, ellos asumen que tú eres americano, aunque tengas un pequeño acento, aunque sepan que vienes de otro lugar, ellos dan por hecho de que tú eres americano. Pero claro, nosotros somos de piel blanca. Imagínate que tú eres pakistaní en Roma, hubieras sido tratado de otra manera muy diferente.

We are social scientists applying a range of quantitative and qualitative methods to the study of online communities. We seek to understand both how and why some attempts at collaborative production — like Wikipedia and Linux — build large volunteer communities and high quality work products

Our research is particularly focused on how the design of communication and information technologies shape fundamental social outcomes with broad theoretical and practical implications — like an individual’s decision to join a community, contribute to a public good, or a group’s ability to make decisions democratically.

Our research is deeply interdisciplinary, most frequently consists of “big data” quantitative analyses, and lies at the intersection of communication, sociology, and human-computer interaction.

Hill points out that, “Wikipedia is the fifth most visited website in the world. Free/libre open source infrastructure serves as infrastructure that we rely on every time we visit a website. Much of what we love and value about the Internet is because of peer production. Although the term might be unfamiliar to many, peer production is the most important organizational innovation to emerge from the Internet. We should do everything we can to understand its complex dynamics and to help preserve and protect them.”