Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. Archivo de navegación. Página 11

cables submarinos canarias 2015

Los cables submarinos en Canarias que conectan las islas entre sí son los siguientes. Entre paréntesis se indica el año de puesta en servicio:

  • Cables interinsulares de Telefónica: salvo en el caso de El Hierro, su configuración en anillos evita que una isla quede desconectada por la rotura de un cable.
    • Transcan 2 – S1: Gran Canaria – Fuerteventura (1990)
    • Transcan 2 – S2: Fuerteventura – Lanzarote (1990)
    • Pencan 5 – S2 (TFE-GC): Tenerife – Gran Canaria (1992)
    • Tegopa – S1: Tenerife – La Gomera (1995)
    • Tegopa – S2: La Gomera – La Palma (1995)
    • Candalta 1: Tenerife – Gran Canaria (1999)
    • Transcan 3: Gran Canaria – Lanzarote (1999)
    • Telapa: Tenerife – La Palma (2004)
    • Gomera-Hierro: La Gomera – El Hierro (2007)
    • Candalta 2: Tenerife – Gran Canaria (2010)
  • Cable Submarino de Canarias: dispone de dos cables submarinos entre Tenerife y Gran Canaria (2002).
  • Canalink: dispone de dos cables submarinos entre Tenerife y Gran Canaria y uno entre Tenerife y La Palma (2011).


Además, las islas están conectadas con el exterior por los siguientes sistemas:

  • Telefónica dispone de tres cables submarinos, dos conectan Cádiz con Tenerife (PENCAN 6 y PENCAN 8) y el tercero (PENCAN 7) con Gran Canaria. Los dos últimos fueron ampliados en 2015 con tecnología 100G.
  • Canalink dispone de un sistema de cable submarino que conecta Tenerife con Cádiz; este cable dispone de un ramal que conecta con Marruecos.
  • La isla de Tenerife está conectada al sistema ACE (Africa Coast to Europe), consorcio con participación de Orange.
  • La isla de Gran Canaria está conectada al sistema WACS (West African Cable System), consorcio con participación de Vodafone.

It’s probably good to have some clarity on why centralized platforms emerged to begin with, and in my mind the explanation is pretty simple:

  1. People don’t want to run their own servers, and never will.
  2. A protocol moves much more slowly than a platform. This isn’t a funding issue. If something is truly decentralized, it becomes very difficult to change, and often remains stuck in time. That is a problem for technology, because the rest of the ecosystem is moving very quickly, and if you don’t keep up you will fail.

…there is nothing particularly “distributed” about the apps themselves: they’re just normal react websites. The “distributedness” refers to where the state and the logic/permissions for updating the state lives: on the blockchain instead of in a “centralized” database.

One thing that has always felt strange to me about the cryptocurrency world is the lack of attention to the client/server interface. When people talk about blockchains, they talk about distributed trust, leaderless consensus, and all the mechanics of how that works, but often gloss over the reality that clients ultimately can’t participate in those mechanics.

With the shift to mobile, we now live firmly in a world of clients and servers – with the former completely unable to act as the latter – and those questions seem more important to me than ever.

This was surprising to me. So much work, energy, and time has gone into creating a trustless distributed consensus mechanism, but virtually all clients that wish to access it do so by simply trusting the outputs from these two companies without any further verification. It also doesn’t seem like the best privacy situation. Imagine if every time you interacted with a website in Chrome, your request first went to Google before being routed to the destination and back. That’s the situation with ethereum today. All write traffic is obviously already public on the blockchain, but these companies also have visibility into almost all read requests from almost all users in almost all dApps.

Instead of storing the data on-chain, NFTs instead contain a URL that points to the data. What surprised me about the standards was that there’s no hash commitment for the data located at the URL. Looking at many of the NFTs on popular marketplaces being sold for tens, hundreds, or millions of dollars, that URL often just points to some VPS running Apache somewhere. Anyone with access to that machine, anyone who buys that domain name in the future, or anyone who compromises that machine can change the image, title, description, etc for the NFT to whatever they’d like at any time (regardless of whether or not they “own” the token). There’s nothing in the NFT spec that tells you what the image “should” be, or even allows you to confirm whether something is the “correct” image.

I think this is very similar to the situation with email. I can run my own mail server, but it doesn’t functionally matter for privacy, censorship resistance, or control – because GMail is going to be on the other end of every email that I send or receive anyway. Once a distributed ecosystem centralizes around a platform for convenience, it becomes the worst of both worlds: centralized control, but still distributed enough to become mired in time. I can build my own NFT marketplace, but it doesn’t offer any additional control if OpenSea mediates the view of all NFTs in the wallets people use (and every other app in the ecosystem).

If we do want to change our relationship to technology, I think we’d have to do it intentionally. My basic thoughts are roughly:

  1. We should accept the premise that people will not run their own servers by designing systems that can distribute trust without having to distribute infrastructure.
  2. We should try to reduce the burden of building software.
Platform's relationship to users

Centralized platforms follow a predictable life cycle. At first, they do everything they can to recruit users and third-party complements like creators, developers, and businesses.

They do this to strengthen their network effect. As platforms move up the adoption S-curve, their power over users and third parties steadily grows.


When they hit the top of the S-curve, their relationships with network participants change from positive-sum to zero-sum. To continue growing requires extracting data from users and competing with (former) partners.

Famous examples of this are Microsoft vs. Netscape, Google vs. Yelp, Facebook vs. Zynga,  Twitter vs. its third-party clients, and Epic vs. Apple.

Cuando la batalla política se lleva a cabo en el territorio del conocimiento, no tiene nada de extraño que aparezca, además de las típicas disputas entre los expertos, un estrafalario rechazo al conocimiento en general, que adopta hoy formas muy diversas de escepticismo y credulidad, como la desinformación, el negacionismo o las teorías conspiratorias.

Hay un populismo antitecnológico, que sospecha de la ciencia y el desafecto frente a la representación, pero hay también un populismo epistémico que consiste en procesar una fe ciega en que la política puede ser disuelta en los datos, las cifras, las evidencias científicas y el saber experto.

…deseo de despojar a la política de lo político, es decir, de la gestión de intereses en conflicto, la toma de decisiones con un saber insuficiente y el esfuerzo por lograr compromisos sostenibles.

Not all audio files are created equal. Sometimes, they’re too quiet, too loud, or just off. When you find yourself with a problematic audio file, you aren’t stuck just dealing with it. FFmpeg, a powerful open-source audio utility can help. It can adjust the volume of your files and normalize them to get rid of unpleasant fluctuations in volume. What’s even better, it’s fully scriptable and even baked into Python scripts that streamline the whole thing.

Spacebuster. Raaumlabor

The Spacebuster is build on the basis of a step van and a big inflatable space coming out of the back of the van fitting up to 80 persons in it. People enter the bubble through the passenger’s door of the van walking through to the back down a ramp right into the inflated space. The bubble is supported by air pressure generated by a fan underneath the ramp. The membrane of the bubble is translucent so people on the inside can see schematically what´s going on outside and vice versa. So the membrane acts as a semi permeable border between the public and the more private.

Dedico mi vida a denunciar que Internet (lo digital), no es un espacio diferente a la realidad; es parte de la realidad. Dedico la vida a explicar que si permitimos que se cree un estado de excepción en Internet, el paso a que se traslade al resto de los ámbitos de la vida es solo uno.

«Discurso de odio» es una expresión perversa: trabajar contra el «discurso del odio» (donde «odio» es solo un atributo subordinado a «discurso»), es trabajar en primer lugar contra «el discurso» y, por tanto, contribuir a la narrativa que recorta la libertad de expresión y no a la que erradica las discriminaciones.

Con Xnet llevamos años defendiendo el derecho al anonimato. Pero así como el derecho a la libertad de expresión no es la obligación de nadie a escuchar, el derecho al anonimato es el derecho a que puedas tú mismo garantizar tu propio anonimato sin ser criminalizado por hacerlo. Nada más. Obviamente no significa que se deba perseguir quien dice que el mismo gato está en la foto de tu perfil anónimo y del que no  lo es.

Por otra parte, si acosas o insultas en la red, el juez manda a que se averigüe quien eres; se averigua y persigue el delito. Fin del melodrama.

“It will have zero income tax forever, zero capital gains tax. Invest here and make all the money you want. We’re fine,” Bukele said.

This announcement closed “Bitcoin Week,” a large Bitcoin conference that drew hundreds of foreign investors. The tax-free, “techy,” and ecological Bitcoin City — the first of its kind — will be funded by Bitcoin bonds and powered by geothermal energy from a nearby volcano. Crypto mining, the process of creating new bitcoin through intensive cryptographic puzzles, is a notoriously energy-intensive process that has been criticized for increasing global emission rates in vulnerable areas.

Pros of No-Code Platforms

  • An immediate solution to problems you have in terms of website development because you will be able to create software solutions without having to hire expert programmers.
  • Regardless of your degree, career, or position in a business, you can now build a website by yourself that will add value to your craft or business.
  • Building a website is faster and cheaper. Hiring developers will cost you a lot of money and with no-code, you will be able to cut the cost.
  • It will save you months and months of working since you can now build a website straight away without the need to code.
  • You will have creative freedom on what you want to add to your website since the process is more visual.
  • Obviously, with no-code, web developers will have less on their plates and can focus more on streamlining processes or creating new innovations.

Cons of No-Code Platforms

  • Security breaches with no-code are unavoidable, and once the platform you are using is affected by this factor, your website will be compromised as well.
  • You don’t have the full authority with using no-code networks, so basically you are taking a risk in using such platforms.
  • You will not be able to customize software using the no-code platform.
  • You have to adapt your business process based on the capability feature of the no-code network or platform you are using.

La lista TOP500 se publica dos veces al año y registra los supercomputadores más potentes del año. Solo ha habido un cambio en los diez primeros puestos, y es uno curioso y con un poco de sorna.

Se trata de la llegada  la lista del supercomputador Voyager-EUS2, que ha desarrollado Microsoft Azure y que cuenta con una potencia de 30 petaflops por segundo. Todo estupendo, pero lo realmente curioso es que el supercomputador de Microsoft no funciona con Windows, sino con Linux.

Cette annonce s’adresse aux passionné.e.s d’informatique
qui cherchent une co-location à Toulouse centre ville

Les profils recherchés sont des étudiant.e.s en informatique,
ou tout autre personne passionnée par les ordinateurs et
les réseaux (pas de gamers pas contre)

Captura de pantalla de The true size of Africa

The whole point being made was that we all have been taught geography mainly based on the Mercator projection – as the background in daily television news, the cover of my school atlas, in general the ubiquitous depiction of the planet.

But the basic fact is that a three-dimensional sphere being shown as a single two-dimensional flat image will always be subject to a conversion loss: something has to give…

The reason why Mercator was such an important advance is simple: on it one can draw straight lines to account for travel routes – in the days of the gigantic merchant fleets and naval battles an immensely valuable attribute.

Captura de pantall de «Corporate Memphis»: ¿Por qué todas las webs parecen iguales?

…decenas de revistas, cuentos, webs y aplicaciones comerciales con una estética similar a la de la ilustración que decora este artículo. A ese estilo se le conoce como «Alegria» o «Corporate Memphis». Es un producto de la precarización y la devaluación del trabajo y tiene decenas de variantes y versiones, todas igualmente exánimes y repetitivas.

El resultado es un cambio cualitativo. Cualquiera puede hacer una ilustración dentro de los códigos visuales del «Corporate Memphis». Ya no es solo que el ilustrador -uno de los últimos artesanos- se haya proletarizado, ni siquiera que una vez proletarizado haya sido expulsado de la oficina y se haya precarizado al extremo vendiendo horas de trabajo en una plataforma. Ahora el ilustrador como tal es ya innecesario.

La automatización combinatoria de un código estándar de imágenes pre-diseñadas permitirá que ilustrar se convierta en una tarea más del desarrollador web. Una entre otras muchas que ya se han automatizado o están en camino de hacerlo. Porque el desarrollador es el primero que ha sufrido la estandarización y procedimentación automatizada de su trabajo. Ahora, Inteligencia Artificial mediante, está siendo alienado incluso de la algoritmia.

The Trojan Room coffee pot was a coffee machine located in the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, England. Put on the Internet in 1991 by Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Paul Jardetzky, it was migrated to the web in 1993 becoming the world’s first webcam.

To save people working in the building the disappointment of finding the coffee machine empty after making the trip to the room, a camera was set up providing a live picture of the coffee pot to all desktop computers on the office network. After the camera was connected to the Internet a few years later, the coffee pot gained international notoriety as a feature of the fledgling World Wide Web, until it was retired in 2001.

The tricky bit, as a new study called An Empirical Study of C++ Vulnerabilities in Crowd-Sourced Code Examples, is working out which code is OK and which isn’t.

After analysing real code from Stack Overflow, the researchers found a small but still significant number of examples where this happened over a 10-year period to 2018.

The team reviewed 72,483 C++ code snippets for weaknesses defined by the industry Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) guidelines, finding 69 representing 29 different types of security flaw, most often CWE-150 (‘Improper neutralization of space, meta, or control sequence’).

I’d be fascinated to see a study that compared cutting and pasting code – which carries the small risk of copying and pasting security errors – with coders who don’t copy and paste code and solve unfamiliar problems by always writing their own solution.

Solving the problem yourself carries three possible penalties: #1 it will take longer; #2 there is a good chance that the code (which solves a problem the developer is not well versed in solving) will make it in to the world without ever being reviewed by another person; and #3 if it does go unreviewed, there is a good chance the developer will never learn of their mistake and could well end up repeating it, even cutting and pasting it, into other projects.

What can we do when faced with a world where people lie as a way of shaping the world to their own ends? First, we have to get smart. Disinformation – the conscious, intentional spreading of false information – is not an accident. It’s a strategy. When we encounter information that is surprising, unsettling, or even a little too comfortable, we need to ask ourselves a set of questions: How does the author know this is true? What is s/he trying to persuade me of? Who benefits if I believe this to be true? How can I check this information against other sources I trust?

…disinformation wants to keep us powerless, fighting to assert that’s true rather than challenging those who are in power.

…a boom in conservative Christian schooling, driven nationwide by a combination of pandemic frustrations and rising parental anxieties around how schools handle education on issues including race and the rights of transgender students.

When the pandemic swept across the country in the spring of 2020, many parents turned to home-schooling.

Others wanted or needed to have their children in physical classrooms. In many parts of the country, private schools stayed open even as public schools moved largely online. Because many parents were working from home, they got a historically intimate look at their children’s online classes — leading to what some advocates for evangelical schools call “the Zoom factor.”

More significant, said Mr. Laats, are the words that conservative schools do not use, like “inclusion” and “diversity,” in contrast with a growing number of public and private schools. About 68 percent of students at conservative Christian private schools are white, according to the Education Department, a figure that is comparable to other categories of private schools but significantly higher than public schools.

If many conservative Protestant schools in the 1960s and 1970s were founded to keep white children away from certain people, then the goal today is keeping children away from certain ideas, said J. Russell Hawkins, a professor of humanities and history at Indiana Wesleyan University. “But the ideas being avoided are still having to do with race,” he said.

Deana Wright enrolled her children in Smith Mountain Lake in July, soon after speaking at a school board meeting in Franklin County. She and her husband did not want their children to keep wearing masks in school, and she had also started reading about what her district was teaching about race. She was “shocked” to come across terms like “cultural competency” and “educational equity” — euphemisms, as she saw it, for critical race theory.

“We’re just so grateful that the Christian academy is here,” she said.

Are you interested in integrating media making into your classroom? Making media, such as videos, narrated slideshows and online maps, can be an engaging way for students to demonstrate knowledge and build critical thinking skills. Find instructions, videos, worksheets and rubrics for implementing media-making projects with students. We also have self-paced professional development courses that you can take to learn media production!

Este material se concibe como una guía con pasos básicos para llevar adelante un proceso de mapeo junto a las y los estudiantes y a partir de algunas ideas y recomendaciones que puedan ser retomadas, ampliadas y mejoradas a partir de la experiencia, y de las temáticas y situaciones que se vayan dando en cada uno de los espacios educativos.

Al día siguiente, la ciudad amanece en llamas con las iglesias grafiteadas: “Lxs negrxs tenemos todo el derecho de incendiar un país que construímos gratis”, citando un tweet de @solomongeorgio quien hablaba sobre la protestas por el asesinato de George Floyd en 2020. Al igual que ese cuadro del Prado, este país ha sido construido por cuerpos negros e indígenas que garantizaron el Estado de bienestar de la blanquitud española. “We don’t choose this future”.

Fantasear no significa olvidar, significa reelaborar las narrativas del dolor. Retornar lo arrancado. Devolver lo robado. España es especialista en devoluciones en caliente, estrategia política del sistema de control migratorio que implica la expulsión y devolución de personas migrantes en el instante en el que atraviesan la frontera del Estado. España devuelve a los cuerpos “que no pertenecen” a este territorio, pero aún no devuelve todo lo que no pertenece a este territorio.

El tiempo postpandémico no existe para nosotrxs porque hemos vivido desde hace siglos en este mundo pandémico antinegro, antiindígena y antitrans. Nosotrxs sabemos que “there are black people in the future” (Alisha B. Wormsley) porque “el amor y la libertad negra residen más allá del cuerpo” (Walidah Imarisha: Rewriting the Future: Using Science Fiction to Re-Envision Justice, 2015). No hay espacio o tiempo que nos contenga, no hay Museo que nos encarcele porque siempre nos fugaremos.

Ibai Llanos y Gerard Piqué han liderado un evento donde 31 hombres y una mujer de diferentes países compiten para ganar el Mundial de Globos. ¿Cómo se ha convertido un vídeo viral de un juego casero en un evento mediático que ha congregado a marcas y a miles de personas?

El evento contó con el apoyo de numerosas marcas comerciales y los datos de audiencia son bastante llamativos: la emisión de Twitch asciende en estos momentos a más de 8,5 millones de visualizaciones y casi 500.000 espectadores de media durante todo el streaming. El peruano Francesco de la Cruz se impuso en la final al alemán Jan Spiess. El presidente de Perú felicitó por Twitter al ganador. La cuenta de los JJOO en español también se hizo eco. Y hasta la BBC ha publicado un artículo sobre el tema. Un éxito.