cola.js. Constraint-Based Layout in the Browser
cola.js (A.K.A. «WebCoLa») is an open-source JavaScript library for arranging your HTML5 documents and diagrams using constraint-based optimization techniques.
It works well with libraries like D3.js, svg.js, and Cytoscape.js. The core layout is based on a complete rewrite in Javascript of the C++ libcola library.
It also has an adaptor for d3.js that allows you to use cola as a drop-in replacement for the D3 force layout. The layout converges to a local optimum unlike the D3 force layout, which forces convergence through a simple annealing strategy. Thus, compared to D3 force layout:
- CoLa achieves higher quality layout;
- is much more stable in interactive applications (no «jitter»);
- it allows user specified constraints such as alignments and grouping;
- it can automatically generate constraints to:
- avoid overlapping nodes; or
- provide flow layout for directed graphs;
- it may be less scalable to very large graphs.
How to Modify or Add Custom Columns to Post List in WordPress Admin
The filter for modifying, removing or adding columns to post list in WordPress admin panel is manage_{$post_type}_posts_columns
Which hook you need to use for controlling the output of the column content depends on whether or not your post type is set to be hierarchical or not.
Any non-hierarchical post types, including WordPress’ built-in post type ‘post
‘, use the hook name manage_{$post_type}_custom_column
. Any hierarchical post types, including WordPress’ built-in post type ‘page
‘, use the hook name manage_pages_custom_column
(note: no injection of post type name in the hook name).
OpenStreetMap in QGIS
In QGIS version 3, there are built-in features to use raster and vector data from OpenStreetMap. There is no built-in possibility to upload changes back to a OpenStreetMap server directly from QGIS. For this purpose, please use one of the Editors.
Can I use… WebM video format
WebM video format. Multimedia format designed to provide a royalty-free, high-quality open video compression format for use with HTML5 video. WebM supports the video codec VP8 and VP9.
Global 79.04% + 18.82% = 97.86%
Using ffmpeg to compress, convert, and resize videos
To compress for web at a reasonable broadband bitrate of about 1.5Mbps video / 128kbps audio:
ffmpeg -i source.mp4 -c:v libx264 -b:v 1.5M -c:a aac -b:a 128k target.mp4
To scale down a high-resolution source video to something more reasonable for Web (qHD for cellular, HD for broadband), the -filter:v
argument is used:
ffmpeg -i source.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0.33M -c:a libopus -b:a 96k \
-filter:v scale=960x540 target.webm
the open source system for processing and editing 3D triangular meshes.
It provides a set of tools for editing, cleaning, healing, inspecting, rendering, texturing and converting meshes. It offers features for processing raw data produced by 3D digitization tools/devices and for preparing models for 3D printing.
How to check a user watched the full video in html5 video player
Basic check is simple, wait for the ended
event. This is so simple you can just google it.
Now to check that user played full video an extensive analysis would be needed checking if he played every second of it. That’s not necessary however, it should be enough that user:
- played as many seconds as the video is long
- played to the end of the video
This snippet demonstrates exactly that. The video will not be marked as fully played if you just skip to the end. Playing the beginning over and over will also not mark it fully played
Imprescindibles: Gay Mercader
‘Imprescindibles’ hace un repaso de la vida de Gay Mercader, el único promotor musical nacional que se atrevió a traer a las grandes figuras del rock a un país recién salido del franquismo, sin infraestructuras ni grandes medios para ello. Rolling Stones, Patti Smith, Bob Marley, Dylan, AC/DC o The Cure son algunos de los 3.400 artistas internacionales que programó a lo largo de su trayectoria.
Lexique de la charpente
Ce lexique reprend les termes anciens et nouveaux repris dans la construction.
¿Dónde están mis certificados para firmar digitalmente desde Libre Office?
Si se utiliza una distribución de Gnu/Linux, se debe tener instalada una versión actual de Firefox o Thunderbird.
En Firefox pulsar en —- Preferencias, seleccionar — Privacidad y seguridad, en la misma seleccionar —- Certificados —- Administrar certificados —- Importar— seleccionar y editar el certificado.
También se deben instalar los certificados raíz, activarlos para ser confiables para acceso internet y de correo.
Una vez editados los certificados nuevos y reiniciado LibreOffice.
En Herramientas —- Opciones —- Seguridad — Ruta del certificado —- Certificado, seleccionar — firefox:defaul ó thunderbird:defaul
Reiniciar Libreoffice y:
Pulsar en —- Archivo —- Firmas digitales.
Libreoffice solicita guardar el documento, aceptar.
Después de guardar, aparece el diálogo Firmas digitales.
Pulsar en agregar.
En el diálogo —- Seleccionar certificado, elegir el certificado y pulsar en —- Aceptar.
aparece nuevamente el diálogo Firmas digitales, pulsar en —- Aceptar.
OpenStreetMap es maravilloso
OpenStreetMap es maravilloso
— Alfonso @skotperez (@skotperez) October 8, 2021
would you share some examples of projects that improved the web2 scheme for real promoting a real distribution of assets and power?
Dear #web3 friends, would you share some examples of projects that improved the web2 scheme for real promoting a real distribution of assets and power? c @rudimedved1 @JGodejsa @SilvestreVivo @commonsstack @token3conomy c @immaginoteca @tutuytu @skotperez
— Domenico Di Siena (@urbanohumano) August 31, 2022
Debacle en Bitcoin y «criptoterror». Del colapso de Luna al corralito de Celsius
Con la inflación disparada se ha difuminado la posibilidad de que Bitcoin o alguna alternativa ejerciera el rol de reserva de valor antinflacionaria. Cuando más lo necesitaban, sus poseedores han visto que lo que más correlaciona con el precio de un bitcoin es con la valoración en bolsa de empresas tecnológicas.
…la plataforma de compraventa de cripto Celsius Network no permitirá retiradas de fondos debido a problemas de liquidez es lo que más ha recordado a la burbuja puntocom.
A ese momento “2008” de Luna hay que sumar una pérdida del relato, de unas narrativas que, como mitos fundacionales de la Web3, han sido abrazados durante las subidas… pero resultan más difíciles de sostener cuando se han perdido hasta el 80 por ciento de lo invertido.
The 90-9-1 Principle
Here are a few tips to improve the social dynamic across these three groups:
- Make contributing easy for everyone. Design contribution tools that scale in complexity, giving power tools to power users, while easing usage for light users.
- Encouraging editing over creating. Blank pages are scary. Create templates, rough examples that can be easily edited, content suggestions, and tons of examples that help eliminate the fear factor.
- Reward participants. People will give up their first born for a gold star next to their name. Go easy on the rewards, but certainly bake them into the process of participation.
- Identify both power users and up and coming users. Call out your power users with featured spots on your home page or corporate blog. And don’t forget that if you always call out the top 10 users, the other 90,000 won’t feel like they have a chance. Shine the spotlight on the up and comers too!
The 90-9-1 Rule for Participation Inequality in Social Media and Online Communities
User participation often more or less follows a 90–9–1 rule:
- 90% of users are lurkers (i.e., read or observe, but don’t contribute).
- 9% of users contribute from time to time, but other priorities dominate their time.
- 1% of users participate a lot and account for most contributions: it can seem as if they don’t have lives because they often post just minutes after whatever event they’re commenting on occurs.
The problem is that the overall system is not representative of average web users. On any given user-participation site, you almost always hear from the same 1% of users, who almost certainly differ from the 90% you never hear from.
Like a poet writing thrillers: why you should read Javier Marías
It seems apt to his preoccupations that – as King Xavier I – Marías laid a disputed claim to be King of Redonda, the semi-fictional monarch of an uninhabited Caribbean micro-nation. The supposed monarchy of Redonda goes back to a (probably hoax) claim by the Edwardian fantasy writer MP Shiel and his disciple John Gawsworth, who inherited the crown and whom Marías described approvingly as “poet/drunkard/beggar”. During his “reign”, the spurious aristocratic titles Marías doled out were a way, perhaps, of situating himself in a canon: John Ashbery, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, WG Sebald, AS Byatt, Pierre Bourdieu, Pedro Almodóvar and Jonathan Coe were among those given imaginary duchies.
Antonio Vega y la perfección de una noche mágica
Esta semana dedicamos el Sofá Sonoro a recordar ‘Básico’, el concierto acústico del 2000 que captó a Antonio Vega en su mejor momento recorriendo las canciones de su carrera. Para este episodio nos acompañan Arancha Moreno, directora de Efe Eme, y Lucía Taboada.
Contra el capitalismo del desastre
Ahora, dependiendo del color político del medio, o se buscan chivos expiatorios que canalicen la rabia y el miedo, o se ofrece un repertorio de soluciones personalizadas que se resumen en apriétese individualmente el cinturón, búsquese la vida o pase de todo y disfrute, mientras avanza la dinámica de acumulación, acaparamiento, explotación y erosión de los derechos. Es el capitalismo del desastre.
Creo que los movimientos sociales y las izquierdas institucionales se tienen que responsabilizar y actuar coherentemente con los diagnósticos que se hacen. La cuestión es ver si se puede intentar estar a la altura del momento histórico que nos ha tocado vivir.
Las mayores diferencias se establecen en torno a los ritmos y las estrategias sociales, políticas y/o electorales para lograrlo. Pues bien, no hace falta ponerse de acuerdo en todo. Pueden y deben intentarse transformaciones en todos los ámbitos. Que cada cual empuje donde crea que es más útil.
El movimiento ecologista que yo conozco ha sido capaz de aplicar en todo momento un tremendo pragmatismo utópico.
Creo, como dice Bruno Latour, que la racionalidad ecologista, que reconoce las dependencias materiales humanas y los límites, es la más necesaria en el momento actual.
Nombrar y diseccionar los problemas no es catastrofista. Hay una tendencia a confundir los datos con la catástrofe. La catástrofe no son los datos por malos que sean. Lo catastrófico es extraviar la pulsión y el deseo intenso de estar vivos, de permanecer con vida.
La economía doméstica, las pensiones, o que se pague un seguro de entierro, muestran que las personas son capaces de prever y renunciar a algunos bienes en el corto plazo para hacer menos incierto el futuro. Es catastrofista pensar que los seres humanos estamos incapacitados para desarrollar una racionalidad de la precaución y la cautela.
Pero, en mi opinión, también es tremendamente catastrofista declarar de forma taxativa que lo que sería necesario hacer para afrontar el desmoronamiento de los sistemas socioeconómicos fosilistas en tiempos de cambio climático es inviable políticamente. Es otro tipo de determinismo, que viene marcado por la falta de confianza en lo que las personas pueden comprender y construir en común.
[En Chile] Esa explosión comunitaria no surgió de la nada, sino que se condensó alrededor de pequeños coágulos de encuentro y organización previos. La lucha por las pensiones dignas, la rebelión contra los peajes de pago, la resistencia en las zonas de sacrificio, las violencias machistas, el colonialismo… De no haber existido esos pequeños tumores dentro de la normalidad, hubiese sido difícil articular un movimiento que en dos meses se atrevía a proyectar un nuevo horizonte de deseo.
The Most Fascinating Profile You’ll Ever Read About a Guy and His Boring Startup
The game failed. Again. Then (again!) he broke out something he and his team had created by accident while making the game.
Yet Slack’s well-designed chat function is a trojan horse for bigger ideas. Its ambition is to become the hub at the center of all your other business software. It ties in to many of the applications you use at work: Dropbox, Google Apps, GitHub, Heroku, and Zendesk to name a few. Once they’re all connected, it can keep track of most everything you do with them. Most importantly, it’s got killer search built right in. «Right now, your data ends up a little bit in Twitter, a little bit in Zendesk, a little bit in GitHub,» Stewart says. «Slack is the one mutual platform where all those things come together. That’s the longer-term thinking.»
And then there’s email. Slack doesn’t support email! For an all-in-one corporate communications system, this is an omission as large as a tech bro’s ego. (Email integration is in the works, Stewart says.)
Cal added the last touch: a way to upload images via email, so you could share pix from a mobile phone. The demo blew everyone’s mind. By the time they walked out of the room at ETech, Flickr was famous.
The service pioneered a cocktail of features that we would come to associate with the Web 2.0 era—the transition period when the world moved from largely static web pages to ones that act more like interactive applications. Although was the first major service to introduce what came to be known as tagging, Flickr took it mainstream.
But its power move was something called an open API. To see just how far we’ve come, nobody who is anybody even uses the term «open API» anymore. It’s just API, now. But prior to Flickr, websites’ application programming interfaces—or the set of rules that govern how a program can interact with something in a database—were typically reserved as internal tools. Flickr threw open the doors and let anyone on the Internet prong into its API, the first big service for consumers to do so. It was a philosophical statement: Our data is better when we let other people do things with it. This is accepted gospel now, but at the time it was a new and radical notion.
What Makes A Chromoly Bike Better?
Chromoly is a chrome-alloy steel with a medium carbon content and .8% – 1.1% molybdenum for strength. It is a steel that is stronger than carbon steel (more commonly used in bike manufacturing), so we can use thin wall tubing, giving you a lightweight frame that will last through years of riding.
OpenSCAD vs FreeCAD: The Differences
OpenSCAD is a script-only based modeler and uses its own description language. That means its UI only shows code and doesn’t have literal representations of your object. FreeCAD, on the other hand, uses a more traditional CAD approach, with you building your object by directly manipulating the visual model.
Commutometer uses data openly shared by public transport agencies. If your bus is missing, your agency might not be sharing its data.
No, el mundo no se está cayendo a pedazos
Tendemos a juzgar cómo nos va en comparación con los que nos rodean, o en comparación con nuestro propio pasado reciente, no en comparación con puntos de referencia abstractos o generaciones anteriores.
Y muchos de los cambios positivos tienen que ver con la prevención. Nadie se da cuenta de las guerras que no ocurren, de los miembros de la familia que no fallecen a causa de una enfermedad, de los niños que no mueren en la infancia.
Walkability Index
The Walkability Index is a tool that allows existing places to be benchmarked and new proposals to be objectively tested in terms of whether they deliver car-dependence, with its associated problems – or walkability, with the social, economic and environmental benefits found in walkable places.
The location of everyday land uses – shops, offices, schools and healthcare facilities – has important effects on our movement choices: whether we reach them by walking or cycling, catching a bus or going by private car.
Sometimes there is no choice: low density, monofunctional housing estates create car dependence. This is not only harmful for the environment but damaging to our mental and physical health. Car-dependency influences obesity and loneliness. In contrast, walkable places are healthy and sociable places.
Book Review – Fortunate Son by John Forgerty
Many CCR fans may be unaware, that Fogerty‘s bandmates; bassist Stu Cook, drummer Doug “Cosmo” Clifford and Fogerty‘s older brother, rhythm guitarist Tom Fogerty, until CCR’s final album, contributed nothing to the band in terms of music, lyrics, production, mixing and arrangements of songs. Without John Fogerty, Creedence Clearwater Revival was nothing, according to Fogerty.
While that may sound like a self-inflated opinion, it is probably more of an objective fact.
10+ commands to list all systemctl services with status
To list all the service unit files which are currently in enabled state use –state=enabled
# systemctl list-unit-files --type=service --state=enabled
Format a number with leading zeros in PHP
$var = 1234567; echo sprintf('%08d', $var); // Output: // 01234567
Make all new files in a directory accessible to a group
change the directory’s ACL to give the group write permissions and to make these permissions inherited by newly created files. Under Linux:
setfacl -d -m group:GROUPNAME:rwx /path/to/directory setfacl -m group:GROUPNAME:rwx /path/to/directory
How to Use Sequential Order Numbers for Member Invoices in Paid Memberships Pro
Generate custom order codes / order numbers that increment for Paid Memberships Pro Orders [Custom order sequence]
Aleix Saló: “Mi generación es tan útil como un Ferrari en un camino de cabras»
Hablo de la nostalgia y eso es más fuerte hoy que nunca. La situación económica nos ha moldeado como la generación que más se refugia en el pasado. Fuimos la generación con la infancia más acomodada y nos encontramos con un mundo que no está interesasdo en lo que quieran o puedan aportar los jóvenes. Las empresas no quieren formarlos ni contratarlos. Somos el caso inverso de nuestros padres. Ellos partieron de una infancia dura y, a medida que fueron creciendo, se encontraron un mundo mucho más receptivo y abierto a lo que los ellos pudieran construir. Mis padres no hablan de su infancia con nostalgia. Nosotros con 20 años ya parecíamos viejunos, recordando nuestra Game Boy.
…se empieza encadenando carreras y másteres y se acaba en la treintena con un currículo de primera sin haber trabajado nunca. Eso es peligrosísimo. Pierdes el tren. Tu visión del mundo real está completamente deformada. Nos falta trabajar desde los 16 años. Aunque sea en un bar de mierda pero que te enseñe lo que es tener un jefe despótico que te putea y tener que llegar a tu hora y responder por tus responsabilidades y todo a cambio de dos míseros euros. Así empiezas a definir lo que no quieres en la vida. Empezar a hacer elecciones ayuda más.
El Expreso del Hielo: La leyenda del tren con el que Manu Chao recorrió Colombia
Hace 22 años, Manu Chao pasó la navidad en Colombia a bordo del Expreso del Hielo, un tren que recorría las vías abandonadas que conectan a Santa Marta con Bogotá. Lo acompañaba un tropa de cirqueros, artistas y músicos; franceses, españoles, argentinos, brasileros, italianos y colombianos que, con la ayuda de un dragón mecánico que escupía fuego y una máquina de nieve artificial hecha en la Universidad Nacional, ofrecieron espectáculos gratuitos en Aracataca, Bosconia, Barrancabermeja, La Dorada y Facatativá. Strongly Urges Theme Authors to Switch to Locally Hosted Webfonts
In light of a recent German court case, which fined a website owner for violating the GDPR by using Google-hosted webfonts,’s themes team is updating its recommendations for hosting webfonts. Most theme authors have been enqueuing Google Fonts from the Google CDN for better performance, but this method exposes visitors’ IP addresses.
“The themes team strongly encourages the theme authors to update their themes,” Themes Team representative @benachi said in a recent announcement. “We recommend updating by switching to locally hosted webfonts. Luckily Google Fonts can be downloaded and bundled in a theme. Bundled font files allow users to host webfonts locally and comply with GDPR.”
Ben Tarnoff on nostalgia, imagination, and deprivatizing the internet
Many movements throughout history have looked to an imagined past, and indeed actively constructed an idea of the past, in order to envision a better future. And often there’s a lot of political utility in making people feel as if they’ve lost something—a set of rights, a set of freedoms—that they now need to reclaim. Even if it’s not entirely clear if those rights or freedoms existed.
It’s also important to point out that internet nostalgia is a constant of internet history.
What if we could feel nostalgic not really for those previous eras of the internet that the onward march of privatization has obliterated—whether GeoCities or Myspace or even farther back—but what if we could feel nostalgic for the missed opportunities, for the forks in the road that could have gone a different way, for the the points in history in which privatization was deepened when the internet could have evolved in a different channel? Then perhaps nostalgia could be an aid to the social movements that will be necessary in order to deprivatize and democratize the internet.
We use the internet in the privacy of our bedrooms, or in the glow of our smartphones. What if our experience of the internet could be a more collective one, and one that brought us into relationships of solidarity and mutual support with other people in our community? So to that end, I think what the Equitable Internet Initiative is doing could provide a promising starting point for thinking about connecting differently through the internet.
Modelos de negocio en Internet con Kike Garcia de El Mundo Today
Nadie más adecuado para hablar de modelos de negocio en Internet que alguien que ha conseguido montar un negocio sostenible durante 13 años en un sector donde nadie más lo ha conseguido desde 2006: la prensa española.
Kike Garcia de la Riva, Co-Fundador de ElMundoToday (un medio sin banners publicitarios) nos hablará de las claves de su Éxito/Supervivencia
¿Qué podemos aprender de su experiencia para vivir de lo que hacemos en Internet?
«El éxito moderado se puede explicar por las habilidades y el trabajo. Un éxito enorme sólo es atribuible a la suerte»
(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)