Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. criptomonedas

A hedge fund is an investment fund where capital from various institutional and individual investors is combined and put toward a range of assets, including derivatives, stocks, bonds, commodities and foreign currencies, with the aim of optimizing returns.

Hedge funds, in general, operate as limited partnerships, professionally managed by fund managers who pool money from investors. However, participation in hedge funds, including those dealing with cryptocurrencies, is typically limited to high-net-worth individuals who can bear higher management fees and associated risks.

Crypto hedge funds generate revenue through an annual management fee, typically ranging from 1% to 4% of the invested amount. In addition, investors may also be obligated to pay a percentage of earned profits as performance fees to the managing team.

Crypto hedge funds employ a combination of systematic and discretionary investment strategies to effectively navigate the crypto landscape. The systematic approach relies on computer transaction processing models, offering a structured framework, reducing emotional influences and providing consistency. However, the risk lies in the potential vulnerability of these algorithms to unforeseen market conditions.

Sam Altman – the executive behind ChatGPT – has scanned the irises of more than two million people with a metal sphere, to prove that they’re human.

The process is simple: you install an application on your mobile phone and receive a QR code. Then, you must allow a metallic sphere to look at you with its eye and generate a “personality test.” The proof is then associated with the QR code and the app becomes a passport called World ID. This also acts as a digital wallet for a cryptocurrency called Worldcoin.

Many shopping centers are already offering this service. But the question is: why would anyone want to submit this personal information?

Con la inflación disparada se ha difuminado la posibilidad de que Bitcoin o alguna alternativa ejerciera el rol de reserva de valor antinflacionaria. Cuando más lo necesitaban, sus poseedores han visto que lo que más correlaciona con el precio de un bitcoin es con la valoración en bolsa de empresas tecnológicas.

…la plataforma de compraventa de cripto Celsius Network no permitirá retiradas de fondos debido a problemas de liquidez es lo que más ha recordado a la burbuja puntocom.

A ese momento “2008” de Luna hay que sumar una pérdida del relato, de unas narrativas que, como mitos fundacionales de la Web3, han sido abrazados durante las subidas… pero resultan más difíciles de sostener cuando se han perdido hasta el 80 por ciento de lo invertido.

…Muy pronto un negocio mucho más atractivo que el teatral atrajo mi atención y la del país. Era un asuntillo llamado mercado de valores. Lo conocí por primera vez hacia 1926. Constituyó una sorpresa muy agradable descubrir que era un negociante muy astuto. O por lo menos eso parecía, porque todo lo que compraba aumentaba de valor. No tenía asesor financiero ¿Quién lo necesitaba? Podías cerrar los ojos, apoyar el dedo en cualquier punto del enorme tablero mural y la acción que acababas de comprar empezaba inmediatamente a subir. Nunca obtuve beneficios. Parecía absurdo vender una acción a treinta cuando se sabía que dentro del año doblaría o triplicaría su valor.

I’m not at all ‘anti-crypto.’ I’m a big fan of cryptography. I am, however, anti- tax evasion, money laundering, ponzi schemes, multi-level marketing, and needless waste of energy.

I’m also anti- silver bulletism, anti-technosolutionism, and anti-convincing everyday people to invest their scarce capital in unregulated sectors where it’s very easy for them to lose everything with no recourse.

Additionally, I’m anti- focusing tons of energy on convincing everyday people that salvation lies in speculation.

Finally: WHAT IF the same amount of time and energy put into convincing everyday people to invest in cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and DAOs went into convincing everyone to move their money to credit unions, invest in local businesses & land trusts, & directly support artists?