Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. Linux. Página 2

Lo que se debe hacer es actualizar un directorio en la variable PATH la cual posiblemente al actualizar la rama se pudo desconfigurar.

sudo export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

Y luego para que esta asignacion no se pierda al reinciar el equipo. Se debe configurar la variable PATH de forma permanente editando el archivo de configuración de su shell de conexión. Como por lo general el shell BASH es el más utilizado, debe editar su archivo:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin' >> /home/usuario/.bashrc

# This script automatically creates user accounts with random passwords.
# Author: Russ Sanderlin
# Date: 01/21/15

if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Please supply a user name"
echo "Example: " $0 "jsmith"

# Declare local variables, generate random password.

randompw=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 8 | head -n 1)

# Create new user and assign random password.

useradd $newuser
echo $newuser:$randompw | chpasswd
echo "UserID:" $newuser "has been created with the following password:" $randompw

Password management should be simple and follow Unix philosophy. With pass, each password lives inside of a gpg encrypted file whose filename is the title of the website or resource that requires the password. These encrypted files may be organized into meaningful folder hierarchies, copied from computer to computer, and, in general, manipulated using standard command line file management utilities.

pass makes managing these individual password files extremely easy. All passwords live in ~/.password-store, and pass provides some nice commands for adding, editing, generating, and retrieving passwords. It is a very short and simple shell script. It’s capable of temporarily putting passwords on your clipboard and tracking password changes using git.

…a mechanism that installs updates automatically so you don’t have to worry about it. Obviously, this is meant for personal servers operated by hobbyists where convenience is more important than availability. In a professional environment, you would test new packages first because seemingly innocent changes may break complex applications.

Every user on a system may have their own crontab file. The location of the root and user crontab files are system dependant but they are generally below /var/spool/cron.

There is a system-wide /etc/crontab file, the /etc/cron.d directory may contain crontab fragments which are also read and actioned by cron. Some Linux distributions (eg, Red Hat) also have /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly} which are directories, scripts inside which will be executed every hour/day/week/month, with root privilege.