Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. Archivo de navegación. Página 26

Insisto mucho en que los datos sean recogidos realmente en un Trabajo de Campo en vez de sacar conclusiones basadas en los prejuicios que ya tenían antes de realizar la investigación.

En mi post “Cuando importa más el proceso” doy varios argumentos para justificar por qué prefiero el trabajo amateur de las personas implicadas en el reto, en vez de apelar a diseñadores profesionales: “Si bien el resultado final puede que se resienta un poco, el aprendizaje vital adquirido en el proceso compensa con creces, y contribuye a una percepción global de la experiencia muy superior a si el trabajo se asume por profesionales de fuera de la organización”.

Obligo a que todos los miembros del equipo tengan que hacer una «presentación individual» de los datos que han recopilado para que entiendan que nadie va a pasar inadvertido si no ha dedicado tiempo a investigar y hacer el trabajo de campo. Es una forma de asegurar equidad participativa pero también, implicación individual.

Voy a terminar con una idea que me parece sumamente importante: el Taller de Síntesis se hace para diagnosticar un reto y no para buscar soluciones. Es muy saludable, como metodología de resolución de problemas, separar el momento del diagnóstico del de la búsqueda de soluciones.Voy a terminar con una idea que me parece sumamente importante: el Taller de Síntesis se hace para diagnosticar un reto y no para buscar soluciones. Es muy saludable, como metodología de resolución de problemas, separar el momento del diagnóstico del de la búsqueda de soluciones.

Kimai is a free & open source timetracker. It tracks work time and prints out a summary of your activities on demand. Yearly, monthly, daily, by customer, by project … It’s simplicity is its strength. Due to Kimai’s browser based interface it runs cross-platform, even on your mobile device.

Kimai v2 is a web-based multiuser time-tracking application. Free for everyone: freelancers, agencies and companies track their employee working-times and generate invoices.

Kimai is a simplistic time-tracker that keeps record of your time and prints out your results when you need them. The tool works great for those who need a simple solution without any extra features: in it, you can record time in multi-user mode, manage customer and project data, run reports, and export timesheet data.

No database setup is required for installing the app – it has database support out-of-the-box. The new version of Kimai is based on the newest technologies and has a JSON API for setting up integration with other applications.

I was in a similar situation back in 2012. I really wanted to understand how my employees were spending their time. Were they focusing on tasks of the highest priority? How much time did it take them to find solutions? How close were we to achieving our goals? Were the projects I assigned progressing at the right pace? Could I optimize and streamline some of my teams? Do my team goals align with my final goal? It was an endless line of questions all begging just for one solution: A productivity management application.

La existencia del coche eléctrico no es novedosa. A principios del siglo XX y antes de que el fordismo hubiese mecanizado sus cadenas de producción y popularizado el coche privado de combustión interna, ya existían vehículos eléctricos que funcionaban relativamente bien, con baterías de ferro-niquel o de ácido plomo con autonomías ya cercanas a los 100 km.

Sin embargo, el coche de combustión interna terminó ganando un indiscutible terreno, por capacidad, autonomía, versatilidad y mucha mayor ubicuidad de suministro (la lata de gasolina y el surtidor), cuando la red eléctrica era paupérrima, tenía muy poco alcance y nula capacidad para recargar baterías en cualquier lugar. is a 100% FREE service that allows programmers, testers, designers, developers to download sample videos for demo/test use. No matter what video format they use (MP4, FLV, MKV, 3GP); they will be able to test videos on any Smartphone without any hustle. This is a one stop destination for all sample video testing needs. Just search below for the relevant video formats in specific sizes, download them, and start testing.

A mobile screen resolution can be a big challenge when it comes to watching videos online or offline. By testing out videos one can be rest assured regarding the video playback in an app, without annoying the end users. Choose from four different video extensions i.e. 3GP, MKV, FLV, and MP4. The best thing is all of these are free and very easy to download. We provide you with a specific and perfect resolution in all sizes possible with just one simple click. Check out the one which suits your requirements. All you need to do is hit the DOWNLOAD button, and get started.

Los ThinkPad X60 y X61 son máquinas casi legendarias, reverenciadas y amadas por usuarios que las utilizaron (o las siguen usando) con pasión. Aquellos diseños acabaron abandonándose por parte del fabricante, que aun sin descuidar la familia ha preferido aprovechar otras decisiones de diseño y componentes.

Es aquí donde entran los responsables de 51nb, un grupo de usuarios en China apasionados por esos viejos ThinkPad y obsesionados por ponerlos al día. Tanto que han conseguido convertir su afición en negocio, y ahora transforman estos viejos portátiles y los rejuvenecen con mejores pantallas, procesadores, más memoria RAM que nunca y conectividad Gigabit Ethernet. Viejos por fuera, nuevecitos por dentro.

Ghostscript is a great tool for compressing PDFs. In our tests it delivered the best compression ratio. Simply run:

gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=out.pdf in.pdf

-dPDFSETTINGS can be any of:
/screen : low-resolution output, lowest output size
/ebook : medium-resolution output, medium output size
/printer OR /prepress : high-resolution with maximum output size

Run the Shrinkpdf script:

./shrinkpdf in.pdf out.pdf

The script is almost same as the explicit gs command above. However, it has one advantage – it does an output file size check.

most journalists seem to have agreed that there is a mad conspiracy between Trump and Putin, with Assange as intermediary and helper. At the end of November, the Guardian claimed that Paul Manafort, head of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, had met Assange three times in London: in 2013, 2015 and 2016. Fidel Narváez, the then Ecuadorian consul in London, has formally denied this. WikiLeaks initiated legal proceedings against the Guardian and Manafort publicly and denied the meetings. His name does not appear in the Ecuadorian Embassy’s guest book and there are no images of him entering or leaving one of the world’s best-monitored buildings.

The New York Times recently reported that there had been several talks in 2017 between Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno and the now notorious Paul Manafort. Manafort had travelled to Quito to boost China’s investment in Ecuador. Allegedly, at the meeting with Moreno, there was also talk about Assange, about a deal to extradite Assange to the US in exchange for Ecuador’s debt relief. Assange jokes; wouldn’t it be ironic that the IMF, the International Monetary Fund, of all people, is now deciding on his future fate. He laughs, tormented, in the end the big money always wins. We notice that his persecution by the USA is no longer a secret, everything is open and nothing happens; It is exasperating.

You can use the :resize command or its shortcut :res to change the height of the window. To change the height to 60 rows, use:

:resize 60

You can also change the height in increments. To change the height by increments of 5, use:

:res +5
:res -5

You can use :vertical resize to change the width of the current window. To change the width to 80 columns, use:

:vertical resize 80

You can also change the width in increments. To change the width by increments of 5, use:

:vertical resize +5
:vertical resize -5

Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin for Vim created by Martin Grenfell. It runs files through external syntax checkers and displays any resulting errors to the user. This can be done on demand, or automatically as files are saved. If syntax errors are detected, the user is notified and is happy because they didn’t have to compile their code or execute their script to find them.

«La economía colaborativa (sharing economy) es un conjunto heterogéneo y rápidamente cambiante de modos de producción y consumo por el que los agentes comparten de forma innovadora activos, bienes o servicios infrautili-zados, a cambio o no de un valor monetario, valiéndose para ello de plataformas sociales digitales y, en particular, de internet»

Estas definiciones generales acogen una amplia gama de prácticas, por lo que coexisten con otras propuestas terminológicas que tratan de representar aspectos más específicos de algunos de estos modelos de negocio. Por ejemplo, peer economy o P2P economy enfatiza que las transacciones se producen entre particulares; «economía de acceso» se refiere a los modelos económicos basa-dos en el alquiler y el uso compartido; y «economía a demanda» (gig economy) define a las plataformas que canalizan el encargo de microtareas.

En esta misma línea, el informe de NESTA, Making sense of the Collabora-tive Economy (Stokes et al. 2014) colabora en la construcción teórica del concepto, profundizando en el estudio de los diferentes modelos y sistemas que consideran parte del mismo. El informe alude a la economía colaborativa como «una nueva forma de pensar acerca de los negocios, el intercambio, el valor y la comunidad» (2014: 7), de modo que reconocen implícitamente su carácter de «constructo teórico». Quizás por ello su definición del paradigma se estructura en base a una serie de condiciones: 1) implica el uso de internet, 2) conecta redes distribuidas de personas o recursos, 3) aprovecha recursos infrautilizados, 4) promueve interacciones significativas basadas en la confianza, 5) promueve la apertura, la inclusión y los comunes.

The book is broken up into chapters and sub-chapters. The chapters are:

This is a book about working in groups, based on 7 years experience in community projects and startups.

I’m not so interested in what you’re working on together, I’m just going to focus on how you do it. To my way of thinking, it doesn’t matter if you’re trying to build a better electric vehicle, or develop government policy, or blockade a pipeline; whenever you work with a group of people on a shared objective, there’s some stuff you’re going to deal with, some challenges. How do we decide what we’re working on? who does what? who can join our team? what are our expectations for each other? what happens when someone doesn’t fulfil those expectations? what do we do with disagreement? how do decisions get made?

I’m convinced there is not a “one size fits all” recipe, a management structure that you can take off the shelf and install in your collective or your company. But my hypothesis is that there are patterns: common design elements you can draw on as you construct a recipe that’s right for you. Each pattern in this book names a challenge that you are likely to face, and offers tools and techniques you can try in response to that challenge.

This is a book for community organisers, leaders, managers, consultants, coaches, facilitators, founders… if you work with groups of humans, these patterns apply to you.

I believe that this fascination with “hierarchy” and “non-hierarchy” is a major problem. Focussing on “hierarchy” doesn’t just miss the point, it creates cover for extremely toxic behaviour.

I’m guilty of this myself: having declared ourselves to be a “non-hierarchical” organisation, I’m unable to clearly see the un-just, un-accountable, un-inclusive, un-transparent, un-healthy dynamics that inevitably emerge in any human group. Calling ourselves “non-hierarchical” is like a free pass that gets in the way of our self-awareness.

Jo Freeman named this beautifully in The Tyranny of Structurelessness, where she argues that the informal hierarchies of a “structureless” group will always be less accountable and fair than a more formal organisation.

Freeman uses the word “structureless”, which is specific to the context of her 1960’s feminism. Today, you could swap “structureless” for “non-hierarchical” and get a very accurate diagnosis of a sickness that afflicts nearly every group that rejects hierarchical structures.

We’re coming up to the 50th anniversary of this essay, and still it seems the majority of radical organisations have missed the point.

So I repeat: I don’t care about hierarchy. It’s just a shape. I care about power dynamics.

I think words like “non-hierarchical”, “self-managing” and “horizontal” are kind of vague codes, pointing to our intention to create healthy power relations. In the past, when I said “Enspiral is a non-hierarchical organisation”, what I really meant was “Enspiral is a non-coercive organisation”. That’s the important piece, we’re trying to work without coercion.

Playing for Team Human today, master of human connection and consensus, Loomio co-founder Richard Bartlett. Bartett coming all the way from New Zealand, stopped by Douglas’s home studio while on a community organizing workshop tour of the US.

On today’s show, Bartlett and Rushkoff discuss the challenges of building consensus in an all too often top-down, winner-takes all society. Together we’ll learn how Loomio, inspired by the general assemblies of Occupy Wall Street, strives to amplify collaborative power and foster more participatory democratic practice. It’s a project that starts with small-scale, human-to-human connection and grows outward from there.

Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones, eight accent colors) designed for use with terminal and gui applications. It has several unique properties. I designed this colorscheme with both precise CIELAB lightness relationships and a refined set of hues based on fixed color wheel relationships. It has been tested extensively in real world use on color calibrated displays (as well as uncalibrated/intentionally miscalibrated displays) and in a variety of lighting conditions.

Glocal Camp is the periodic event that the CivicWise network organises to meet, discuss and revise its structure and methodology. The fifth edition of Glocal Camp is hold in Modena between 1-10 March.

The aim of the meeting is to exchange of knowledge and good practices gained through the projects, as well as to increase the engagement with the local communities, reactivate spaces and participatory projects in the hosting territory.

Igual me equivoco, porque claro, pienso en catalán, pero pienso que la lengua catalana debería ser defendida por la totalidad de los españoles, porque también es una lengua española. Además, es una lengua minoritaria, muchas veces puesta en peligro, precisamente, por muchos gobiernos españoles a lo largo de la historia. El catalán es una lengua preciosa, un tesoro que debería ser mimado y no insultado y despreciado.

Pero, tristemente, seguro que muchos españoles leen este artículo y se piensan que odio España y el castellano.

The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) is a free-software license published by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). The license allows developers and companies to use and integrate a software component released under the LGPL into their own (even proprietary) software without being required by the terms of a strong copyleft license to release the source code of their own components. However, any developer who modifies an LGPL-covered component is required to make their modified version available under the same LGPL license. For proprietary software, code under the LGPL is usually used in the form of a shared library, so that there is a clear separation between the proprietary and LGPL components.

The main difference between the GPL and the LGPL is that the latter allows the work to be linked with (in the case of a library, «used by») a non-(L)GPLed program, regardless of whether it is free software or proprietary software.[1] The non-(L)GPLed program can then be distributed under any terms if it is not a derivative work. If it is a derivative work, then the program’s terms must allow for «modification for the customer’s own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications.» Whether a work that uses an LGPL program is a derivative work or not is a legal issue.

Get ready for a deep dive into PC retrogaming, more than 14100 games are available and waiting to be played again. Discover rare 80s games and immerse yourself into classics from the 90s. Get your dose of nostalgia and old school gaming right now!

On My abandonware you can download all the old video games from 1978 to 2018 for free! You can play Pacman, Arkanoid, Tetris, Galaxian, Alter Ego, or Blackthorne, Civilization, Sim City, Prince of Persia, Xenon 2, King’s quest, Ultima, Kyrandia, The Incredible Machine, Another World, Test drive, Flashback, Lemmings!

De lo que se trata es de entrar en ésta página web del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) y solicitar la exclusión de nuestros datos personales de las copias del censo electoral que se entregan a los partidos políticos para realizar sus envíos postales de propaganda.

Pueden acceder a este servicio totalmente gratuito todas las personas inscritas en el censo electoral, siempre y cuando dispongan de la necesaria clave de identificación electrónica para las relaciones con las Administraciones Públicas. Una de las maneras más ágiles y sencillas de obtener esa identificación es mediante el sistema Cl@ve al que se puede acceder siguiendo los pasos que aparecen aquí

De este modo tan simple y en apenas un par de pasos evitaremos tener que ir echando viajes durante cada campaña electoral del buzón al contenedor azul, que es donde hay que echar la propaganda de papel.

Aunque ojo: no será fácil librarnos definitivamente de ella, pues lo que pretenden ahora los partidos, todos sin excepción (el interés les une), es enviarnos su propaganda por Whatsapp, correo electrónico o directamente al móvil sin necesidad de pedirnos permiso.

Pantallazo del theme Susty WP para WordPress

Delivering WordPress in 7KB 6KB*

This website aims to act as a guide to making WordPress websites more sustainable, and to serve as a practical example of how we can tune our websites and reduce their carbon footprint. The homepage of this website is delivered to your browser with just 6KB of data transfer. This is achieved by its theme, plugins and configuration. As of 2016, the average website data transfer was 2.3MB, making it 393 times bigger than this website!

Yes, fuck, I have Amazon’s app on my phone. I’m that addicted to this company. And I’m not alone: Amazon reportedly controls 50 percent of online commerce, which means half of all purchases made online in America, which is obscene.

Launched in 2006, AWS has taken over vast swaths of the internet. My VPN winds up blocking over 23 million IP addresses controlled by Amazon, resulting in various unexpected casualties, from Motherboard and Fortune to the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s website. (Government agencies love AWS, which is likely why Amazon, soon to be a corporate Cerberus with three “headquarters,” chose Arlington, Virginia, in the D.C. suburbs, as one of them.) Many of the smartphone apps I rely on also stop working during the block.

Historical note: Until 2010 there was only one suite, (OOo) developed by Sun. When Oracle bought Sun and threatened the existence of the office suite, a community fork was created called LibreOffice. Most of the existing OOo developers jumped ship to LibreOffice, considering it the true continuation of OOo instead of Oracle OpenOffice, which was later donated to the Apache Foundation, becoming Apache OpenOffice.

LibreOffice can reuse code from OpenOffice, while the opposite can’t happen. This means that all improvements made in OpenOffice are available in LibreOffice but improvements made in LibreOffice are not available in OpenOffice.

LibreOffice has much more contributions than OpenOffice. LibreOffice commit log, OpenOffice commit log. LibreOffice is also developed by developers from a large number of commercial companies, such as Red Hat, Collabora, Canonical etc. (adding security to the project, because if one company stops development, others will continue support). OpenOffice has only a meager number of IBM developers (I’m not sure if they still continue contributing).

In September of 2009, a group of FreeHand users founded the Free FreeHand organization with the mission of saving FreeHand. The organization gathered over 6500 members, ultimately filing a lawsuit against Adobe Systems Inc. after many failed attempts to influence the company’s policy and desicion-making with regards to FreeHand. Following a long and challenging legal struggle, a settlement was reached early 2012.

While no stone was left unturned in the effort to bring FreeHand back into development and return it to market viability, in the end this proved to be an impossible goal. And so from the ashes, FreeHand Forum is born. With the new name come new direction and goals. We are pleased to share this new vision with all of our original members and those who have just discovered us.

está la aproximación íntima y personal a la gestión de las claves, en contraposición a la aproximación colectiva o comunal. He visto a varios colectivos compartir la contraseña de una cuenta de correo electrónico, Facebook, o Twitter, que son del colectivo y se gestionan de forma grupal. Obviamente no es la mejor forma de gestionar y resguardar la información de nuestro colectivo, pero es valioso recordar que en grupos militantes de gran parte del sur global seguramente lo «privado» se entiende de forma diferente que en el norte, y las más de las veces cruza lo personal y llega a lo colectivo.

Si hablamos de cuentas de correo electrónico es fácil decir: pues hay que usar una lista de correos en vez. Pero se complica si hablamos de plataformas como Twitter que no están diseñadas para las colectividades, al contrario, fomentan el individualismo y el «leadership» informativo.

Otro punto interesante es que tenemos que plantearnos radicalmente cómo es que hacemos las capacitaciones. No se trata de enseñar herramientas, asumiendo demasiado rápido dónde están los problemas. Varios procesos de aprendizaje tienden a fracasar porque son como la misa cristiana: todas hacemos reconocimiento de culpa y en la euforia del momento prometemos mejorar, y luego hacemos unas claves GPG larguísimas y super buenas pero que acaban inservibles porque a los tres meses de no usarlas nos las olvidamos

Es como lo de la mooncup: no porque nos digan que es lo mejor tiene necesariamente que resultarnos fácil, ni cómodo.

Por ahora, esa idea: afirmar nuestro derecho a la intimidad, también en la red. Y de poner una llave del tamaño que queramos, aunque luego, en casa, la pongamos bajo la alfombra porque así nos viene en gana.

IPFS is a distributed system for storing and accessing files, websites, applications, and data.

What does that mean, exactly? Let’s say you’re doing some research on Aardvarks. (Just roll with it; Aardvarks are cool! Did you know they can tunnel 3 feet in only 5 minutes?) You might start by visiting the wikipedia page on Aardvarks at:

When you put that URL in your browser’s address bar, your computer asks one of Wikipedia’s computers, which might be somewhere on the other side of the country — or even the planet — for the Aardvark page. However, if you use IPFS to get that page from:


Your computer might have gotten it from someone else’s computer across town, or maybe even your neighbor’s computer across the street. When you use IPFS, you don’t only download a file from someone else, but your computer can help distribute it, too — when your friend a few blocks away needs the same Wikipedia page, they might be as likely to get it from you as your neighbor.

IPFS makes this possible for web pages, but also for any kind of file a computer might store, whether it’s an MS Word document, an e-mail, an MP3 file, or even a database record.


The first step towards a more fair, efficient world

Aragon is a project that aims to disintermediate the creation and maintenance of organizational structures by using blockchain technology. We want to empower people across the world to easily and securely manage their organizations. We provide the tools for anyone to become an entrepreneur and run their own organization, to take control of their own lives.

By making it possible for everyone in the world to organize, we are enabling a borderless, permissionless and more efficient creation of value.


A digital jurisdiction

Aragon organizations can be upgraded seamlessly using our aragonOS architecture. They can solve disputes between two parties by using the decentralized court system, a digital jurisdiction that operates only online and utilizes your peers to resolve issues.

The Aragon Network Token, ANT, puts the power into the hands of the people participating in the operation of the Network. Every single aspect of the Network will be governed by those willing to make an effort for a better future.

A January investigation by the site Top10VPN found that more than half of the top 20 free VPN apps on the iOS and Android app stores either have Chinese ownership or are based in China. That’s all the more suspicious given that China officially banned VPNs last year. The concern: If China is allowing them to continue operating, it could be because they’re sharing data on their users with the Chinese government. When you use a VPN, you’re trusting that VPN with the same deep level of access to your online activity that you’d normally give your ISP. In other words, now they can see what you’re up to whenever you’re using the internet. VPNs may be more privacy-focused than big, corporate ISPs, but they’re also smaller, more opaque, and less publicly accountable.

Intenta que tus intervenciones sean breves. Los e-mails largos dan la impresión de que eres la autoridad y envían una señal de que te apropias del tema. También generan largas cadenas de e-mails que hacen aún más difícil que otras puedan ponerse al día.

Si ya has intervenido no vuelves a hacerlo a menos que simplemente estés aclarado tu propia opinión, hasta que otras hayan tenido una oportunidad de intervenir.

Ten en cuenta el género. Es un hecho muy triste que tanto hombres como mujeres (incluso feministas) perciban las voces masculinas como más autorizadas que las de las mujeres.

Date cuenta de cómo la comunicación reproduce relaciones de poder en el grupo.

Recuerda que tener más experiencia (o pensar que la tienes) no te confiere automáticamente más autoridad.

En el e-mail la gente que “llega tarde a la fiesta” a menudo siente que el consenso ya ha sido alcanzado o que se han perdido la parte de la discusión en la que podían realizar intervenciones útiles.

no es casual que muchos nuevos deportes surgen de lo que originalmente eran sistemas de entrenamiento, es el caso del baloncesto o la escalada deportiva. Eran métodos de trabajo tan intensos y divertidos que la gente los empezó a practicar como un fin en sí mismo.

A mi juicio, el tipo de enseñanzas que habría que poner en marcha deberían estar dirigidas a fomentar el hábito y la capacidad de concentrarse de forma prolongada en la resolución de problemas

El problema es que les cuesta mucho argumentar lo que saben, porque no les han acostumbrado a ello. Este déficit tiene, claro, una declinación política. Es una carencia muy incapacitante, que expulsa a la gente de los foros de deliberación e intervención. La democracia, como casi todo, también se aprende y requiere de ejercicio.

Las ‘Humanidades ZERO’ son aquellas que, debido a la banalización del ocio cultural, endulzan un poco la vida pero ni alimentan ni transforman nada.

El tiempo de trabajo se funde con el tiempo de consumo y de ocio, en mundos que producen valor capitalista constantemente, como las redes sociales.

Eso es lo realmente relevante, el poder convertir nuestras herramientas culturales en herramientas de vida y de transformación.

Estamos en un proyecto de vida para generar el siguiente y el siguiente y el siguiente. Vivimos como en una especie de fuga sin fin que muchas veces lo que hace es que perdamos el sentido de lo que estamos haciendo.

una especie de autorreferencialidad muy engañosa que en el mundo de la política ya está teniendo resultados: uno tiende a pensar que el resto piensan como él y el disenso se convierte en un escándalo o en una agresión personal. Una fuente de enemistad radical. Mientras que en el mundo de los activismos o de la creación artística facilita la creación de burbujas que se miran a sí mismas y se autocomplacen.

No sabemos cómo convertir nuestros saberes en procesos de emancipación y de transformación colectiva.

cyber cemetery

Site deaths are when sites go offline, taking content and permalinks with them, and breaking the web accordingly. Site deaths are one of the big reasons why you should own your own identity and content on the web.

This is a chronology of content hosting sites that have died, removing millions (billions?) of permalinks from the web. This is specifically for content hosting sites which permitted end-user posting. Not random sites nor pure «app» sites where there’s no loss of user data. If a game site goes down and takes down play history/scores, or if Gmail went away those would both represent loss of user data (though no public permalinks).

«¡Si al menos fuéramos una ciudad dormitorio de verdad!», exclama sarcástico Javier Moreno. «Eso fue lo que nos vendieron, y nos lo creímos». Él y Miguel Méndez-Cabeza recuerdan un boletín industrial de 1973 que sostenía que Talavera llegaría a los 300.000 habitantes en el año 2000. Eso sí, aquella visión futurista que quedó en agua de borrajas requería un tren rápido para enlazar la ciudad con Madrid por Móstoles.