El Internet que nos dejan no está tan lejos de la telebasura
El verdadero problema es que las infraestructuras de la nueva tecnología digital están en manos de monopolios de facto privados. Nos hemos dado cuenta de que, además, estás empresas han estado realizando una promoción fraudulenta de sí mismas, que no se corresponde con su real actividad. Se definen como compañías tecnológicas pero en realidad son empresas publicitarias: por eso tenemos un sistema de comunicación coptado por la publicidad y, por tanto, por los fines mercantiles y de consumo.
El Estado conoce a sus ciudadanos menos y peor que los conocen estas empresas privadas. El estado ha perdido capacidad de iniciativa, ha perdido capacidad de reacción. Es momento de lo público y de instituciones como la UE en cuanto a crear un marco jurídico que garantice derechos individuales y colectivos, en cuanto a infraestructuras, en cuanto a apoyo de empresas estatales de carácter nacional, que deberían ser calificadas como estratégicamente sensibles. Todos los circuitos de comunicación no pueden estar sometidos a un embudo discrecional de una potencia extranjera.
Is Gutenberg the End or a New Beginning for WordPress?
Clearly a project the size of WordPress needs some strong leadership and a clear roadmap. However, when that roadmap starts to be clouded by outside factors such as financial pressure to compete with the market, decisions aren’t made in the best interest of everyone. Don’t forget that whatever is implemented in WordPress.org is being built for WordPress.com (one of the main money-making arms of Automattic) and no doubt their biggest concern when considering losing customers to competitors. Gutenberg is a clear attempt to attract new users to the platform.
The major part of backwards compatibility is not breaking things, or doing everything possible to avoid it. Gutenberg simply will break sites. This won’t be white screening, or breaking appearance on the frontend, but as soon as a site is updated to 5.0, a user will have a broken experience the next time they edit a post, if the site relies on custom meta boxes.
The percentage number of sites on the web that are powered by WordPress is often touted and this number will be made up of a variety of different types of sites and site owners. A large number will be developers, freelancers and agencies who have built sites in the past, manage sites currently, and build every new site with WordPress. From experience, these developers typically don’t use page builder plugins but a combination of custom fields and meta boxes to give clients the ability to add all the data needed to be displayed on the site in a controlled and prescribed style.
These people will need to prepare for 5.0 (more on that later) to make sure their clients aren’t affected by Gutenberg.
Out of all the modern frontend frameworks, React was always the first choice for Gutenberg, even after some token debate, and weathering the storm of patent clauses. But adding a shiny new framework to a critical piece of WordPress core is highly problematic and we’ve seen it before. WordPress 3.5 was released with a new media manager, built with Backbone and landed without documentation, no clear extensibility model, and a steep learning curve for core contributors and developers with media-related plugins.
Gutenberg has the potential to go the same way, but undoubtedly it will reduce the amount of people able to contribute to it, without learning React deeply. It also places a burden on plugin developers (in a short timescale) to learn, adapt, and get their plugins ready.
Of course this is possible for the big guys like WooCommerce (Automattic owned, large team) and Advanced Custom Fields (independant small team, huge user base), but this will affect any plugin which registers a custom post type, or meta boxes. Most developers simply won’t have the time, inclination or skills to make them compatible with Gutenberg. We will likely see a lot of plugins broken which just won’t get fixed. That will have a detrimental effect on user experience and the WordPress ecosystem in general.
Core should leave Gutenberg as a feature plugin for longer. The timeline is just too short for people to prepare. It is too great a change to be rushed. I think the decision to be merged should be rethought and only merged when a certain level of plugin adoption by users is reached.
Tomorrow’s World Podcast
Your big questions about the future answered. How science will influence and change our lives. Britt Wray and Ellie Cosgrave present a fortnightly investigation of a hot science topic in about 30 minutes. The Tomorrow’s World podcast will begin a second run of episodes in early 2018.
Almost everything we know about e-waste is wrong
Data on waste generation typically separate producer wastes, such as those from mining, and consumer wastes such as those from households. But there are problems with such division.
It makes the mistake of thinking producer waste and consumer waste are two separate things instead of flip sides of the same coin in industrial systems. It also makes the mistake of presuming consumers have much in the way of meaningful choice in what their electronics are made of.
Electronics contain a wide variety of materials. One important example is copper. The electronics industry is the second-largest consumer of copper. Only the building and construction sector uses more.
Post-consumer recycling of electronics will never be enough, we need to be able to repair — and upgrade — the devices we already have, if we are to slow our production of e-waste.
In the U.S., the Repair Association is doing the hard work of advocating for consumers to have the right to repair the devices they purchase by enshrining those rights into law. That said, an e-waste recycler in California now faces a 15-month prison sentence and a US$50,000 fine in his efforts to extend the lives of computers.
The automobile, food and pharmaceutical industries have to show their products meet certain safety standards before they are put on the market. Why not demand the same of the electronics industry?
Ver para descreer
Daniel G. Andújar acude al arte griego para recordar que los nazis se lo apropiaron (al igual que los mitos primitivos, como el fuego y la noche). Elige obras clásicas, fotografía Neptunos, Victorias, discóbolos desde distintos puntos de vista, y con un software los reproduce en plástico usando una impresora 3D. Todo esto va ligado a su sentido del trabajo más humilde, el que realiza lo que se llamaba, hasta hace poco, el pueblo. En Atenas, confrontó un taller popular de las fallas con un prestigioso taller del Pireo de réplicas artísticas, que suministra a todos los museos del mundo con el aval de originalidad del Gobierno. Y en Kassel, ante el pasmo del alcalde, la noche de san Juan sacó de la galería una de sus propias piezas en cajas como las que se utilizaron para evacuar los museos del Prado y del Louvre durante las guerras, y le pidió a los falleros que la quemaran en el jardín mientras tres músicos valencianos interpretaban A las barricadas con dulzaina y tambor.
Google releases first diversity report since the infamous anti-diversity memo
For the first time, Google has provided information around employee retention and intersectionality.
First, here are some high-level numbers:
30.9 percent female globally
2.5 percent black in U.S.
3.6 percent Latinx In U.S.
0.3 percent Native American in U.S.
4.2 percent two or more races in U.S.
How to update my Dynamic IP on my own domain?
Easy: you need to set a CNAME record in your xxxx.com domain, pointing to your dynamic DNS domain at xxxx.strangled.net
DNS resolver will follow the CNAME transparently. User will not notice any difference. It might add a hundred milliseconds or so to the whole query, but that shouldn’t be a problem. When you type htpc.xxxx.com in your browser, it will still stay htpc.xxxx.com. You will not even realize that the strangled.net address is involved in all this.
¿Ayudarán las impresoras 3D a salvar el planeta?
…el modelo productivo actual es insostenible. Nueve de cada diez productos consumidos en Occidente llegan por barco, utilizando energías no renovables, contaminando los mares y causando un deterioro significante en la flora y fauna. Tras disfrutar de ellos, los desechamos localmente. ¿Es este el único modelo posible?
Las herramientas digitales de producción, así como el acceso a información sobre cómo se hacen las cosas, son accesibles a cada vez a más gente. Es de esperar que, con el tiempo, las personas empiecen a diseñar sus propios productos y los creen localmente en sus fábricas de barrio…
La fabricación digital busca cambiar el paradigma de producción actual competitivo y extractivo por uno colaborativo y local. En el caso de los Fab Labs, esto es posible gracias a la creación de repositorios online de datos para la fabricación que se convierten en un inventario común de diseños y que pueden ser utilizados por los diferentes Fab Labs del mundo.
A diferencia del software, donde abundan las licencias creative commons, en el hardware (es decir, en los objetos físicos) las licencias que estimulan la contribución de los diseños no son habituales. Cuando alguien sube el diseño de un objeto, por ejemplo una silla, es difícil controlar que no sea una copia o que vulnere el reconocimiento de la autoría original. La tecnología blockchain podría usarse para definir cómo puede ser utilizado un diseño, bajo qué condiciones y qué tipo de licencias de contribución se pueden crear.
Problems and Strategies in Financing Voluntary Free Software Projects
It’s easier for a successful volunteer Free Software project to get money than it is to decide how to spend it. While paying developers is easy, it can carry unintended negative consequences. This essay explores problems and benefits of paying developers in volunteer free and open source projects and surveys strategies that projects have used to successfully finance development while maintaining their volunteer nature.
Otra reflexión más sobre la adquisición de Github por parte de Microsoft
Y ahora que el bar ha cambiado de dueño, ¿a qué bar nos vamos? ¿Seguimos en este por cómo nos sirven las chelas o por su decoración minimalista y cuidada, o mejor nos vamos a otro más de pueblo, cercano, con el camarero de siempre, con la cocina de toda la vida, con su tradición? Nunca fue nuestro pero nos sentíamos parte de él. En esa reflexión nos encontramos algunos (muchos) y en esta semana no son pocas las veces que he(mos) mantenido dichas conversaciones.
Microsoft Buys LinkedIn for $26.2 Billion, Reasserting Its Muscle
The software giant said Monday morning that it would acquire LinkedIn in a $26.2 billion cash deal. The acquisition, by far the largest in Microsoft’s history, unites two companies in different businesses: one a big maker of software tools, the other the largest business-oriented social networking site, with more than 400 million members globally.
LinkedIn could help Microsoft accelerate its shift to the internet by giving it a large online property that has became the de facto standard for posting résumés online. The site is heavily used by recruiters for finding new workers. Microsoft is one of LinkedIn’s biggest customers.
“The mission statements of LinkedIn and Microsoft have different words, but are essentially the same,” Mr. Weiner said. “We’ve come at it from different perspectives. LinkedIn built a professional network. Microsoft built a professional cloud.”
Evolution of world meat consumption from 1961
Evolution of world meat consumption from 1961
Global meat consumption per person has nearly doubled since 1961
Sea Shepherd is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization
Sea Shepherd uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately balanced ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future generations.
Downloading an Entire Web Site with wget
wget --recursive --no-clobber --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links --domains website.org --no-parent www.website.org/tutorials/html/
This command downloads the Web site www.website.org/tutorials/html/.
The options are:
–recursive: download the entire Web site.
–domains website.org: don’t follow links outside website.org.
–no-parent: don’t follow links outside the directory tutorials/html/.
–page-requisites: get all the elements that compose the page (images, CSS and so on).
–html-extension: save files with the .html extension.
–convert-links: convert links so that they work locally, off-line.
–no-clobber: don’t overwrite any existing files (used in case the download is interrupted and resumed).
Beware online «filter bubbles»
As web companies strive to tailor their services (including news and search results) to our personal tastes, there’s a dangerous unintended consequence: We get trapped in a «filter bubble» and don’t get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview. Eli Pariser argues powerfully that this will ultimately prove to be bad for us and bad for democracy.
The Filter Bubble
Since Dec. 4, 2009, Google has been personalized for everyone. So when I had two friends this spring Google «BP,» one of them got a set of links that was about investment opportunities in BP. The other one got information about the oil spill. Presumably that was based on the kinds of searches that they had done in the past. If you have Google doing that, and you have Yahoo doing that, and you have Facebook doing that, and you have all of the top sites on the Web customizing themselves to you, then your information environment starts to look very different from anyone else’s. And that’s what I’m calling the «filter bubble»: that personal ecosystem of information that’s been catered by these algorithms to who they think you are.
Burbuja de filtro
Una burbuja de filtros es el resultado de una búsqueda personalizada en donde el algoritmo de una página web selecciona, a través de predicciones, la información que al usuario le gustaría ver basado en información acerca del mismo (como localización, historial de búsquedas, y elementos a los que les dio clic en el pasado) y, como resultado, los usuarios son alejados de la información que no coincide con sus puntos de vista, aislándolos efectivamente en burbujas ideológicas y culturales propias del usuario.
Un ejemplo son los resultados de la búsqueda personalizada de Google y el hilo de noticias personalizadas de Facebook . El término fue acuñado por el ciberactivista Eli Pariser en su libro que tiene el mismo nombre; de acuerdo a Pariser, los usuarios son menos expuestos a puntos de vista conflictivos y son aislados intelectualmente en su propia burbuja de información. Pariser relata un ejemplo en donde el usuario hace una búsqueda en Google para «BP» y tiene como resultado noticias acerca de British Petroleum mientras que otra persona obtuvo información acerca del derrame de petróleo Deepwater Horizon y que los dos resultados de búsqueda fueron muy diferentes entre ellas.
Según Mark Zuckerberg: «Saber que una ardilla muere en tu jardín puede ser más relevante para tus intereses que saber que muere gente en África».
Small Pieces Loosely Joined: A Unified Theory Of The Web
The Web, on the other hand, breaks the traditional publishing model. The old model is about control: a team works on a document, is responsible for its content and format, and releases it to the public when it’s been certified as done. Once it’s published, no one can change it except the original publisher. The Web ditches that model, with all its advantages as well as its drawbacks, and says instead, «You have something to say? Say it. You want to respond to something that’s been said? Say it and link to it. You think something is interesting? Link to it from your home page. And you never have to ask anyone’s permission.» Then it adds: «And how long will it take to do this? I dunno. How fast do you type?» By removing the central control points, the Web enabled a self-organizing, self-stimulated growth of contents and links on a scale the world has literally never before experienced.
The result is a loose federation of documents — many small pieces loosely joined. But in what has turned out to be simply the first cultural artifact and institution the Web has subtly subverted, the interior structure of documents has changed, not just the way they are connected to one another. The Web has blown documents apart. It treats tightly bound volumes like a collection of ideas — none longer than can fit on a single screen — that the reader can consult in the order she or he wants, regardless of the author’s intentions. It makes links beyond the document’s covers an integral part of every document. What once was literally a tightly-bound entity has been ripped into pieces and thrown into the air.
What the Web has done to documents it is doing to just about every institution it touches.
Liberapay: a platform to fund work on open source projects
Four months ago we launched Liberapay, a recurrent donations platform whose primary goal is to help fund the development of free software. In this post we explore why that’s difficult, and the solutions we’re proposing for the two steps of the process: getting the money, and distributing it.
Many projects have trouble with the fundraising itself.
A big reason is that there are psychological barriers on both sides (the open source projects on one hand, and their users on the other).
In the eyes of many people donations are not a valid business model. To some of them it even feels like begging. Our answer to that is simple: seeking donations isn’t asking for charity, it’s more like allowing the customer to choose the price of the service. It’s pay what you want, and there’s nothing wrong with it, in some ways it’s even better than other pricing schemes.
We’ve also identified another hurdle: information circulates badly in the open source community, especially when it comes to money. There’s no social network you can use that will keep you updated on which projects need funding. To address this issue we’re trying to build communities, to bring people together and keep them informed through newsletters (those aren’t operational yet).
So you’ve found people to support your work, great, now what? Any sizeable project has multiple contributors, and determining who should get how much is a big challenge.
To solve it we’ve come up with an innovative way to distribute donations to contributors: a team system that allows members of a project to share income, without having to set up a legal entity, and without creating resentment.
The basic principle is very simple: each member decides every week how much of the team’s income they take! We call that “take-what-you-want” remuneration. There is no hierarchy, not even an owner with special powers. The amounts are public, so everyone can see how much each team member is taking.
Feminist Data Visualization
In this paper, we begin to outline how feminist theory may be productively applied to information visualization research and practice. Other technology and design-oriented fields such as Science and Technology Studies, Human-Computer Interaction, Digital Humanities, and Geography/GIS have begun to incorporate feminist principles into their research. Feminism is not (just) about women,
but rather draws our attention to questions of epistemology – who is included in dominant ways of producing and communicating
knowledge and whose perspectives are marginalized. We describe potential applications of feminist theory to influence the information
design process as well as to shape the outputs from that process.
In this paper, we have outlined six principles for feminist data visualization: Rethink Binaries, Embrace Pluralism, Examine Power and Aspire to Empowerment, Consider Context, Legitimize Embodiment and Affect and Make Labor Visible. These are preliminary and offered for the purposes of beginning a dialogue about how the digital humanities and information visualization communities can productively exchange theories, concepts, and methods. Applying humanistic theories to design processes and artifacts may be new territory for many humanists, just as grappling with questions of subjectivity, power, and oppression may be new territory for many visualization researchers. As data visualization becomes a mainstream technique for making meaning and creating stories about the world, questions of inclusion, authorship,framing, reception, and social impact will become increasingly important. In this regard, the humanities and specifically feminist theory have much to offer.
Linux / UNIX: Change File Permissions Recursively (conditional)
To find all files in /home/user/demo directory, enter:
find /home/user/demo -type f -print
To find all files in /home/user/demo directory with permission 777, enter:
find /home/user/demo -type f -perm 777 -print
Finally, apply new permission using the -exec option as follows:
$ find /home/user/demo -type f -perm 777 -print -exec chmod 755 {} ;
To select directories and subdirectories use the following syntax:
$ find /var/www/html -type d -perm 777 -print -exec chmod 755 {} ;
Running WP Cron on multisite the right way
I think the best way is to use WP-CLI but you’d need to write a bash script to do this.
#DataFutures Un internet libre y descentralizado para proteger nuestros datos de Facebook
Vivimos rodeados de sistemas de toma de decisiones automáticos basados en datos, que usan algoritmos que no podemos verificar. Esto permite que se lleven a cabo operaciones engañosas, como sucedió en el caso de Volkswagen, en el que los algoritmos alteraban la medición de emisiones en los coches. Es necesario impulsar un nuevo modelo basado en dos principios clave: la transparencia algorítmica en los mecanismos de toma de decisiones y la rendición de cuentas algorítmica, que permite apelar una decisión tomada por un sistema automático.
Iván Murray: «La turistización es la muerte de la ciudad»
P: ¿Cuánto han contribuido las plataformas digitales tipo Airbnb o Homeaway?
R: Algo tiene que ver la airnbfication, como lo llaman en inglés. Pero este fenómeno, si nos fijamos, hace lo mismo que hace siempre el capital turístico: medidas para reforzar el uso intensivo del espacio a través del turismo. Donde encontraremos más Airbnb es en todas aquellas zonas que ya estaban en el mapa turístico. En Barcelona, en Ciutat Vella, Gràcia y Barceloneta. En Madrid, zonas como Lavapiés, Malasaña… En Ibiza todo se ha convertido en una gran urbanización turística. Lo que llaman una «isla hotel».
P: Las imágenes de trabajadores durmiendo en furgonetas por los precios de la vivienda en Ibiza han sido impactantes. ¿Es por la ‘airnbfication’?
R: Por un lado, sí. Pero hay que pensar que antes ha habido una burbuja inmobiliaria brutal. Se han construido miles y mies de viviendas que no tenían uso, más allá del financiero, especulativo. Se le tenía que buscar salida a ese parque de vivienda vago. Y aquí han encontrado una salida, una solución, que ha permitido canalizarlo con uso turístico. Lo que ocurre ahora es que se han disparado las expectativas de negocio del mercado inmobiliario, que se ha empezado a revalorizar por su potencial uso turístico.
P: ¿Qué han hecho las autoridades públicas ante toda esta escalada?
R: Hay dos leyes clave. La que abre la puerta a la creación de las socimis [Sociedades Cotizadas Anónimas de Inversión en el Mercado Inmobiliario] y la reforma de la ley del alquiler de la vivienda que acorta el periodo de contratación y facilita los desahucios.
P: O sea, ¿han contribuido al fenómeno?
R: Claro. Las instituciones lo que han hecho es activar normas para permitir o facilitar un nuevo ciclo de acumulación en torno al uso turístico de la vivienda. Así como recordamos la ley del «todo urbanizable» de Aznar en el 96, ahora tenemos las leyes del «todo turístico» de la época de crisis de Zapatero y Rajoy.
Fuck off Google
Search results without being spyed on.
Results are obtained -via proxy- from Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. to ensure you will not disclose any personal or behavioural data to these companies. These results are «neutral» ie. not influenced by your profile (you are out of the «filter bubble» designed to serve you ads you are more likely to click…).
Hacker la Ville
Le droit à l’action nous permet d’aller au-delà de la notion de liberté individuelle d’accès aux ressources existantes. Cette approche met en avant le droit d’intervenir dans la création et la transformation de notre environnement, en tant que corps collectif. Cela implique la reconnaissance de l’exercice d’un pouvoir d’agir collectif dans la configuration de nos lieux de vie.
Collective Housing Atlas
Collective Housing Atlas aims to create an online library organized by a large number of categories, which makes it a powerful search engine of references about collective housing.
El Gobierno no incluye multas a los comercios que incumplan la obligación de retirar las bolsas de plástico
Esta medida no significa el fin inmediato de las bolsas. Todavía se pueden usar las muy gruesas (de más de 50 micras de peso). El foco principal de la norma son las bolsas con menos material: de menos de 50 micras de peso. A partir de ahora, los comercios están obligados a cobrar por ellas.
Tras la fase de cobro, estos productos deben desaparecer del circuito comercial. En 2021 las bolsas deben ser de plástico compostable: esto significa que se degrada a la misma velocidad que el material orgánico con el que se mezcla, produciendo dióxido de carbono, materia inorgánica y biomasa.
Lo que aprendí contestando pacíficamente comentarios maleducados en Twitter
quizás haya que ir dando por concluida la famosa regla del “ Don’t feed the troll”. Ya sabemos que Twitter (especialmente ésta) es un lugar tendente al troleo y a los zascas. Desconozco si es la configuración de la herramienta o si un devenir social. Pero es así.
he podido darme el lujo de usar la educación y la pedagogía extremas porque no sufro esto non-stop. Puedo imaginarme a una persona rendida ante tanto odio y decidiendo luchar en vez de intentar convencer a nadie a través de la palabra.
En lo que no me cabe duda es que la polarización puede ser neutralizada así. Hubo varias personas que tras haberme hablado mal terminaron disculpándose por ello tras ver que yo solo contestaba de forma educada. Por eso creo que necesitamos defender la radicalidad de la no-violencia. Necesitamos generar entornos digitales habitables que permitan una discordia educada.
El Ayuntamiento de Madrid se queda sin vivienda pública en plena burbuja del alquiler
La venta de vivienda social ha sido sistemática durante los anteriores gobiernos municipales del Partido Popular. A la enajenación de 1.860 viviendas a Fidere por parte del Gobierno de Ana Botella que en estos momentos se encuentra judicializado, hay que sumarle otras 3.000 viviendas a otros fondos buitre.
«Hay que tener en cuenta que el parque de alquiler público no llega al 2% en Madrid, la incidencia es nula», explica la arquitecta. «Siempre que hablemos del modelo Viena o el de otras ciudades europeas hay que tener en cuenta que en esos casos las ciudades cuentan con un elevado número de vivienda pública entorno al 20% o el 25% sino no hay manera de incidir en el precio»
Disponer de repente de un parque de vivienda pública del 20% del total para incidir en los precios del alquiler es casi imposible. Por eso, para Raquel Rodríguez hay otras medidas que se pueden poner en marcha desde ya que ayudarían a regular los precios desorbitados que sufren las grandes ciudades. A su juicio, los alquileres turísticos influyen pero no es el único problema.
La enajenación de patrimonio público ha sido una constante durante los últimos 20 años en la capital donde la política pública de vivienda se ha basado en la venta. La pérdida de viviendas públicas durante las últimas dos décadas se ha cuantificado en 23.000, según la EMVS, lo que supone que de no haberse producido todas estas ventas en la actualidad el Ayuntamiento de Madrid contaría con parque estimado de 29.000 viviendas.
Unix philosophy
a set of cultural norms and philosophical approaches to minimalist, modular software development. It is based on the experience of leading developers of the Unix operating system. Early Unix developers were important in bringing the concepts of modularity and reusability into software engineering practice, spawning a «software tools» movement. Over time, the leading developers of Unix (and programs that ran on it) established a set of cultural norms for developing software, norms which became as important and influential as the technology of Unix itself; this has been termed the «Unix philosophy.»
The Unix philosophy emphasizes building simple, short, clear, modular, and extensible code that can be easily maintained and repurposed by developers other than its creators. The Unix philosophy favors composability as opposed to monolithic design.
It was later summarized by Peter H. Salus in A Quarter-Century of Unix (1994):
- Write programs that do one thing and do it well.
- Write programs to work together.
- Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.
The Tyranny of Structurelessness
The essay reflected on the experiments of the feminist movement in resisting the idea of leaders and even discarding any structure or division of labor. However, as Hilary Wainwright wrote in Z Magazine, Freeman described how «this apparent lack of structure too often disguised an informal, unacknowledged and unaccountable leadership that was all the more pernicious because its very existence was denied.» As a solution, Freeman suggests formalizing the existing hierarchies in the group and subjecting them to democratic control.
Les communs, le buzzword 2018
Un commun = des personnes ayant accès à une ressource qui créent collectivement des règles pour produire et préserver des ressources.
Pas seulement la ressource, aussi les relations sociales autour de cette ressource
Faisceau de droits (usage, glanage,…) VS droit exclusif de propriété
Collectif = micro-institution (E. Ostrom dans la lignée de certains économistes institutionnels)
How can I run a program remotely via SSH but display locally
By adding the «-Y» flag to the ssh command, the display will automatically be redirected to your local computer.
ssh -Y <remoteip>
Then, if you start Firefox (or any other X application) in that ssh session, it will be displayed locally. (If you have a xserver running locally of course)
Gulp vs Grunt. Why one? Why the Other?
Truth is, if you’re starting to work with JS-based build systems, there is a high chance that you’d pick Gulp right away. The prospects for it just seem a little rosier, plus, it has been adopted by a large portion of projects. Yet, if you are still using Grunt and feel comfortable using it, there is nothing to be worried about — the community is still there, bigger than Gulp, and keeps growing. Grunt has almost a couple of years of advantage, and I am sure that large project maintainers will try to stick to it for as long as possible. Another advantage of using Grunt is if all you need is that little built-in set of simple tasks. In that case, you’d feel right at home with it, and Gulp, despite all of its flexibility, will make you spend more time in theory than you need. As with everything else project related, you should choose based on the circumstances.
UnderStrap. The Bootstrap 4 + WordPress Theme Framework
UnderStrap combines the Underscores starter theme (by Automattic) and the mobil-first, responsive grid framework Bootstrap 4 (by Twitter) into a perfect open source foundation for your next WordPress theme project.
Setting WiFi up via the command line: Adding multiple wireless network configurations
What is the difference between iface eth0 inet manual and iface eth0 inet static?
iface eth0 inet static
: Defines a static IP address for eth0
iface eth0 inet manual
: To create a network interface without an IP address at all. Usually used by interfaces that are bridge or aggregation members, or have a VLAN device configured on them
In the air
In the Air is a visualization project which aims to make visible the microscopic and invisible agents of Madrid’s air (gases, particles, pollen, diseases, etc), to see how they perform, react and interact with the rest of the city.
OpenStreetMap and Ordnance Survey Meridian 2 comparison – 2008 – 2011
In March 2008, I started comparing OpenStreetMap in England to the Ordnance Survey Meridian 2, as a way to evaluate the completeness of OpenStreetMap coverage. The rational behind the comparison is that Meridian 2 represents a generalised geographic dataset that is widely use in national scale spatial analysis. At the time that the study started, it was not clear that OpenStreetMap volunteers can create highly detailed maps