Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. feminismo de datos

Gender is one of the most pervasive and insidious forms of inequality. For example, English-language Wikipedia contains more than 1.5 million biographies about notable writers, inventors, and academics, but less than 19% of these biographies are about women. To try and improve these statistics, activists host “edit-a-thons” to increase the visibility of notable women. While this strategy helps create several biographies previously inexistent, it fails to address a more inconspicuous form of gender exclusion. Drawing on ethnographic observations, interviews, and quantitative analysis of web-scraped metadata, this article demonstrates that biographies about women who meet Wikipedia’s criteria for inclusion are more frequently considered non-notable and nominated for deletion compared to men’s biographies. This disproportionate rate is another dimension of gender inequality previously unexplored by social scientists and provides broader insights into how women’s achievements are (under)valued.

Pillku es una revista digital sobre cultura libre y bienes comunes. Entre 2011 y 2017 ha generado un total de 22 números con temáticas diversas. En el año 2018 se ha materializado en forma de libro impreso la publicación: Pillku: Antología de un proceso colaborativo. En 2019 y 2020 seguimos distribuyendo el libro y compartiendo la experiencia.

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La violència contra les dones és un problema estructural, d’enorme complexitat. A Catalunya, una de cada quatre dones ha patit algun cas greu de violència masclista al llarg de la seva vida. Ni el perfil dels agressors ni el de les víctimes es pot associar a una classe social, estudis, edat o situació econòmica. Elles se senten desprotegides pel sistema perquè veuen com es posa en dubte o es minimitza la violència masclista viscuda quan l’expliquen als jutges. S’han creat protocols d’atenció i nombrosos serveis per acompanyar-les, però no n’hi ha prou. Són eficients les polítiques públiques dedicades a erradicar la violència masclista? I el pressupost que s’hi inverteix?

We have chosen to put this draft online because of a foundational principle of this project: that all knowledge is incomplete, and that the best knowledge is gained by bringing together multiple partial perspectives. A corollary to this principle is that our own perspectives are limited, especially with respect to the topics and issues that we have not personally experienced.

In this paper, we begin to outline how feminist theory may be productively applied to information visualization research and practice. Other technology and design-oriented fields such as Science and Technology Studies, Human-Computer Interaction, Digital Humanities, and Geography/GIS have begun to incorporate feminist principles into their research. Feminism is not (just) about women,
but rather draws our attention to questions of epistemology – who is included in dominant ways of producing and communicating
knowledge and whose perspectives are marginalized. We describe potential applications of feminist theory to influence the information
design process as well as to shape the outputs from that process.

In this paper, we have outlined six principles for feminist data visualization: Rethink Binaries, Embrace Pluralism, Examine Power and Aspire to Empowerment, Consider Context, Legitimize Embodiment and Affect and Make Labor Visible. These are preliminary and offered for the purposes of beginning a dialogue about how the digital humanities and information visualization communities can productively exchange theories, concepts, and methods. Applying humanistic theories to design processes and artifacts may be new territory for many humanists, just as grappling with questions of subjectivity, power, and oppression may be new territory for many visualization researchers. As data visualization becomes a mainstream technique for making meaning and creating stories about the world, questions of inclusion, authorship,framing, reception, and social impact will become increasingly important. In this regard, the humanities and specifically feminist theory have much to offer.