Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. paleta de color

# cmus Srcery Color Scheme
# Author:

# Directory colors
set color_win_dir=7

# Normal text
set color_win_fg=7

# Window background color.
set color_win_bg=default

# Command line color.
set color_cmdline_bg=default
set color_cmdline_fg=default

# Color of error messages displayed on the command line.
set color_error=1

# Color of informational messages displayed on the command line.
set color_info=10

# Color of the separator line between windows in view (1).
set color_separator=8

# Color of window titles (topmost line of the screen).
set color_win_title_bg=235
set color_win_title_fg=15

# Status line color.
set color_statusline_bg=235
set color_statusline_fg=15

# Color of currently playing track.
set color_win_cur=10

# Color of the line displaying currently playing track.
set color_titleline_bg=237
set color_titleline_fg=10

# Color of the selected row which is also the currently playing track in active window.
set color_win_cur_sel_bg=237
set color_win_cur_sel_fg=10

# Color of the selected row which is also the currently playing track in inactive window.
set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_bg=default
set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_fg=7

# Color of selected row in active window.
set color_win_sel_bg=237
set color_win_sel_fg=9

# Color of selected row in inactive window.
set color_win_inactive_sel_bg=default
set color_win_inactive_sel_fg=15