Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. Archivo de navegación. Página 19

Entre 2008 y 2016 Leonard Cohen vivió una de las etapas más fascinantes de su carrera. En ese periodo dio algunos de sus mejores conciertos, recitales de más de tres horas repletas de emoción, y grabó discos fascinantes que fueron su testamento musical antes de su adiós final.

Esta semana hemos querido recordar esos años finales de Leonard Cohen, sus últimos discos y sus últimas giras, un viaje que hacemos en compañía de Sheila Blanco y Fernando Neira además de los reportajes de Lucía Taboada.

We are sick of not receiving updates shortly after buying new phones. Sick of the walled gardens deeply integrated into Android and iOS. That’s why we are developing a sustainable, privacy and security focused free software mobile OS that is modeled after traditional Linux distributions. With privilege separation in mind. Let’s keep our devices useful and safe until they physically break!

The PinePhone is a smartphone, developed by computer manufacturer Pine64, intended for allowing the user to have full control over the device. Measures to ensure this are running mainline Linux based mobile operating systems, assembling the phone with screws, so that it can be easily disassembled for repairs and upgrades[4], and including six kill switches / security switches for its hardware, which are accessible by removing the back cover of the phone.

I found information about the Squeeze box players, and how they do not make them anymore, then found that you could use your Raspberry Pi with many different distributions to create different types of music players, but none really fit my needs as they required much programing and I did not have the time to «make it work» as I should. Then, out of the many searches trying to find the Logitech Media Server installation, I came across Max2Play. It promised to do everything I needed and wanted along with a few extras as well.

Whole house music and multi-room systems are very popular in homes and living spaces of all shapes and sizes. There are many ways to send music throughout a home, including wired and/or wireless connections that enable control from anywhere. You can use an existing receiver as the center hub, or you can install a completely dedicated whole house music system. The amount of effort involved can range from adding a speaker switch to a receiver, do-it-yourself wired/wireless networking, or something more sophisticated that would require professional installation. However, there are pros and cons to the different methods available.

Voilà bien longtemps que je devais revoir mon système audio multiroom complètement, pour avoir quelque chose de plus complet, répondant à mes besoins, de meilleure qualité, et avec un budget maitrisé. Si vous ne connaissez pas le multiroom, c’est en fait un système audio qui permet de sonoriser plusieurs pièces afin de pouvoir écouter la musique qu’on veut, où on veut dans la maison. Je vais vous expliquer ici comment j’ai mis en place ce système audio multiroom à l’aide de Raspberry Pi et cartes audio Hifiberry.

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welcome to the year 2030.
there are 1.2 billion more people on the planet.
70% of us are living in cities now.
in order to house 1.2 billion more people,
all of us are sharing more household goods and services than ever before.
we refer to this sharing as co-living.
and many more of us are living this way now.

but it’s not a new thing.
communal living has always been a solution to common problems.
like rapid urbanisation, loneliness, and high living costs.
but what does co-living look like in the year 2030?
who is it for?
how has it changed our society?
what are we sharing?

with many more of us now co-living,
there is no one configuration.
discover what type of co-living would be uniquely suited for you.
reserve your spot for ONE SHARED HOUSE 2030.

REM to PX Converter is a free online tool you can use to easily convert rem (root em) to px (pixel). Keep in mind that 1rem is equal to the root font-size, in other words, the font-size on element.

The Most Successful Supermarket in New York City Has Zero Customers and 17,000 Workers.

Every day in Brooklyn, hundreds of busy New Yorkers walk past Whole Foods or dozens of other grocery stores promoting natural and organic foods to work at a small supermarket that does no marketing and never holds sales—and yet makes more money per square foot than any other grocery store in New York City . The secret of the Park Slope Food Coop’s more than 40 years of success is simple: to shop there, all 17,000 members—rich and poor, old and young, from every culture and race in the city—have to put in three hours a month of work.

The Park Slope Food Coop is a member-owned and operated food store—founded in 1973 by a group of committed neighbors looking to make healthy, affordable food available to everyone who wanted it. The Coop provides Brooklyn and beyond with quality food and products while serving as a community center and meeting place for its member-owners. Our member- owners contribute their labor: working together to build trust through cooperation and teamwork and enabling the Coop to keep prices as low as possible within the context of its values and principles. Our member-owners believe in the value, rewards and responsibility of collective labor, action and ownership.

Materiales de trabajo realizados por Ergosfera como parte de un proyecto de investigación sobre los comunes urbanos desarrollado por el Instituto Do It Yourself y cuya primera fase se materializó en la exposición CIUDAD DE LOS COMUNES, comisariada por Todo por la praxis, diseñada por Enorme Studio e instalada en el IDYS (Madrid) entre el 12 de diciembre de 2019 y el 12 de febrero de 2020.

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Run your own cloud with email, calendar, storage and many other services in-house easily and get out of locked-in SaaS services to your own self hosted cloud.

IUVIA is a commercial hardware device and OS architecture that privacy-centric projects can use as a distribution ecosystem, and activists and other privacy-concerned individuals can use to access all the different features they need or that currently seek from cloud services.

1. Update the repository index by executing the below command in Terminal:
$ sudo apt-get update

2. Next, execute the below command to clean out the local repository:
$ sudo apt-get clean

3. Execute the below command to remove all the unnecessary packages that are no longer needed:
$ sudo apt-get autoremove

The above command will display the unmet dependencies or broken package’s name.

There are six steps in the original technique:

Decide on the task to be done.
Set the pomodoro timer (traditionally to 25 minutes).
Work on the task.
End work when the timer rings and put a checkmark on a piece of paper.
If you have fewer than four checkmarks, take a short break (3–5 minutes), then go to step 2.
After four pomodoros, take a longer break (15–30 minutes), reset your checkmark count to zero, then go to step 1.

For the purposes of the technique, a pomodoro is the interval of time spent working.

Placa base del Thinkpad X210

I have not personally used the ThinkPad X201 over an extended period of time. Despite this fact, during the month I have spent with the X210, it is easy to sense 51nb’s effort in recreating a modern ThinkPad X201. Starting by keeping the exceptionally comfortable 7-row keyboard and TrackPoint, adding support for M.2 and mSATA SSDs, finding the WUXGA upgrade, and topping it off with a user-configurable BIOS to maximise performance with the 8th generation mobile chips, upgradable DDR4 RAM slots, … These all have made the X210 a truly memorable and excellent example among the contemporary laptops.

However, this recreation requires a keen hand to assemble, upgrading the motherboard and display panel is not a job for the faint of heart. The BIOS is not perfect either, especially in regards to power consumption and the battery’s status reporting. Thankfully, this does not deal a fatal blow to its practical usability, and the latter has since been fixed with later BIOS updates.

Our test sample, as mentioned numerous times before, was hastily assembled. Despite this however, the laptop demonstrated great stability even with sustained usage and torture testing. The laptop, perhaps predictably, boots quickly and is highly responsive. Thermal performance is nothing less than staggering, to the point that I have to repeatedly make sure that the thermal measuring tools and software are performing properly.

In conclusion, the X210 is a unicorn in the realm of sub-notebooks: retaining the RJ-11 modem port while extracting the full potential of the 8th generation mobile processors; keeping the comfortable and familiar input devices while adding support for cutting edge technologies like PCIe NVMe SSDs; ensuring support for the original LVDS panels while adding support for greatly improved EDP-interfaced IPS panels… The X210 skillfully combines cutting edge technologies with classic elements that make a ThinkPad great for us enthusiasts. The X210 is not just a bottle of fine wine or a fresh breeze through a medieval castle – it’s really much more than that. A faithful recreation from a passionate community of ThinkPad lovers, that’s what the X210 really is.

The first thing to go was the beloved, clacky, positive-action keyboards, replaced by Macbook-style chiclet keyboards that wore out much faster, but at least the keyboards were easily swapped out when they started to falter. Then came new submicro designs that made swapping keyboards into a one-hour procedure that had to be performed by a professional who would have to virtually totally disassemble the computer.

The same forces made drive-swaps harder and harder. I used to order a Thinkpad with the smallest, cheapest drive available and then throw it away on arrival and replace it with a third-party, 1TB SSD. Now I just order the Thinkpads with 1TB SSDs and pay a premium for them (these custom options can add weeks to the build/delivery time, too) — thankfully, the price-gap on Lenovo’s 1TB SSDs and third party drives has narrowed.

And now, the Thinkpad X-series systems have eliminated their Ethernet ports and require users to carry (and not lose or break) a dongle to use wired internet.

51NB, a group of Chinese enthusiasts buy up classic, pre-Lenovo Thinkpad chassis and manufacturers new motherboards for them with modern CPUs and other hardware. They started with a run of Thinkpad «X62» system (X61s with a new motherboard) and then branched out into Thinkpad «X210″s — an X201 with a Core i7 8550u (4 cores, turbo boost up to 4GHz); 2× DDR4 SODIMM slots; 2× mini PCI Express slots; an M.2 NVMe slot; a 3.5” SATA bay; a 12.6 inch, 2880×1920, 450 nits, wide gamut display; Mini DisplayPort & VGA out; 3× USB 3.1 ports; an SD reader and gigabit Ethernet (no dongle required!).

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teixidora és un projecte participatiu per recollir coneixement generat en xerrades i esdeveniments, compartir documentació, explorar connexions, relacionar entre sí els debats i activitat i cartografiar actors (en general en l’àmbit tecnosocial i les temàtiques que hi interseccionen), posant l’accent en les perspectives ètiques i emancipadores, donant visibilitat a les aportacions crítiques.

Hem assajat diverses eines i metodologies per documentar el que es fa i contextualitzar-ho.

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Now, more than ever, capturing media on mobile phones plays a key role in exposing global injustice.

OpenArchive helps individuals around the world to securely store and share the critical evidence they’ve captured.

Share · Archive · Verify · Encrypt

Save is a new mobile media app designed by OpenArchive to help citizen reporters and eyewitnesses around the world preserve, protect, and amplify what they’ve documented.

“Less than 20 companies actually own more than 80% of the internet capacity, which is the storage and the compute,” de Spiegeleer told me. “It really needs to be something like electricity. It needs to be everywhere and everyone needs to have access to it. It needs to be cost effective, it needs to be reliable, it needs to be independent.”

You use the internet to send a message on a messaging service to a family member across town. As you click Send, the message will most likely travel across your continent and perhaps across an ocean, hit a number of companies’ servers along the way, then ping back, likely on a different route, hitting multiple other companies’ servers as well before arriving at a relatively local switch, ISP, wires, WiFi, and then making it down to your mom’s phone.

The alternative? In a mesh distributed internet, your message to mom might make a couple of hops over local computers, maybe a local ISP, and ping right down to her having traveled not much more than the straight-line distance between you and your favorite parent.

El código Konami (Konami Code, también conocido como Konami Command o Contra Code) es un truco que puede ser usado en ciertos videojuegos de Konami, que normalmente activa alguna opción secreta. El código fue usado por primera vez en la versión de Gradius para la videoconsola NES, en 1986. En la partida, el jugador pulsa la siguiente secuencia de botones en el controlador:

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Decisions not Options

When making decisions, these are the users we consider first. A great example of this consideration is software options. Every time you give a user an option, you are asking them to make a decision. When a user doesn’t care or understand the option, this ultimately leads to frustration. As developers, we sometimes feel that providing options for everything is a good thing, you can never have too many choices, right? Ultimately these choices end up being technical ones, choices that the average end user has no interest in. It’s our duty as developers to make smart design decisions, and avoid putting the weight of technical choices on our end users.

In 1961 the astronomer Frank Drake proposed what became known as the Drake equation, setting out seven factors that would need to be known to come up with an estimate for the number of intelligent civilisations out there. These factors ranged from the the average number of stars that form each year in the galaxy through to the timespan over which a civilisation would be expected to be sending out detectable signals.

Under the strictest set of assumptions – where, as on Earth, life forms between 4.5bn and 5.5bn years after star formation – there are likely between four and 211 civilisations in the Milky Way today capable of communicating with others, with 36 the most likely figure.

The team add that our civilisation would need to survive at least another 6,120 years for two-way communication. “They would be quite far away … 17,000 light years is our calculation for the closest one,”

Pour donner une idée de l’ampleur du problème, Gabor Szathmari a réenregistré d’anciens noms de domaine pour plusieurs cabinets d’avocats qui avaient fusionné, et mis en place un serveur de courrier électronique. Et, sans rien pirater, il affirme avoir reçu un flux constant d’informations confidentielles, y compris de la correspondance bancaire, des factures d’autres cabinets d’avocats, des documents juridiques sensibles de clients, et des mises à jour LinkedIn. (Il a ensuite restitué les noms de domaine à leurs propriétaires d’origine).

Or, selon le chercheur, il serait facile d’utiliser la même technique pour commettre des fraudes. « En rétablissant une boutique en ligne fonctionnant autrefois sur un nom de domaine désormais abandonné, des acteurs malveillants pourraient télécharger les pages web originales depuis, puis prendre des commandes et effectuer de nouveaux paiements en se faisant passer pour une boutique en ligne tout à fait fonctionnelle », a-t-il déclaré par courriel. « Si l’ancienne boutique en ligne disposait d’un système de gestion de la relation client (CRM) ou d’un MailChimp, les criminels pourraient accéder à la liste des anciens clients en reprenant ces comptes avec un mot de passe réinitialisé par courrier électronique »

But, in reality, these efforts started years ago, in 2014, when the Drupal project first moved in to replace «master/slave» terminology with «primary/replica.»

Drupal’s move was followed by the Python programming language, Chromium (the open-source browser project at the base of Chrome), Microsoft’s Roslyn .NET compiler, and the PostgreSQL and Redis database systems.

…términos como «master/slave» se llevan usando años no solo en el ámbito del desarrollo, sino también al hablar por ejemplo de las viejas configuraciones de discos duros.

Dichos conceptos siempre han suscitado cierta controversia por sus connotaciones raciales, y ahora varias empresas están impulsando cambios para dejar de usar esos términos y sustituirlos por otros más neutros. Por ejemplo usar «principal» (main), «por defecto» (default), «raíz» (root) o «primario» (primary) para sustituir al concepto de «maestro» (master).

Lo mismo ocurre con las «listas negras» y las «listas blancas» que por ejemplo usamos para admitir o bloquear ciertas palabras en los comentarios que llegan a un blog. En lugar de esos conceptos se quieren usar «lista de permitidos» y «lista de exluidos/denegados».