Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. Archivo de navegación

So although many of us have to stay in, there are still ways that we can help—by simply improving the map. We’ve been talking with the mapping community to find out what the current mapping priorities are and how you can help. Here are some of the mapping attributes that are increasingly important in the current environment:

Hospitals/clinics including facilities and surrounds: This includes the opening hours, addresses, services provided, building outlines, and helipads for countries where air ambulances are commonly used.

Pharmacies: Opening hours, locations and addresses.

Supermarkets, marketplaces, and convenience stores: Opening hours, locations and addresses.

Banks, ATMs, electronic money transfers: Particularly important with global economic disruption.

We highly encourage mapping some of the above features in an area you care about. There are also some existing tasks that you can help complete.

Hospitals in the Philippines with MapRoulette

Global health sites mapping with Healthsites

Health care clinic information globally with MapContrib

Hospital outlines and surrounds in Qom, Iran with MapRoulette

Hospital outlines and surrounds in Tehran province, Iran with MapRoulette

Importing pharmacies in Catalonia, Spain with OSM Tasking Manager

Enriching hospital data in Istanbul with MapRoulette
