Autonomía digital y tecnológica

Código e ideas para una internet distribuida

Linkoteca. Archivo de navegación

From the discussion about Working with ARCHIVE.ORG, we learn that it is important to save not just files but also HTTP headers.

To download a file and save the request and response data to a WARC file, run this:

wget «» –warc-file=»at»

This will download the file to index.html, but it will also create a file at-00000.warc.gz. This is a gzipped WARC file that contains the request and response headers (of the initial redirect and of the Wiki homepage) and the html data.

If you want to have an uncompressed WARC file, use the –no-warc-compression option:

wget «» –warc-file=»at» –no-warc-compression
