Démographie de l’Ariège

La démographie de l’Ariège est caractérisée par une très faible densité et une population vieillissante qui stagne en nombre depuis les années 1960. Un net rebond apparaît toutefois en 2000.
La démographie de l’Ariège est caractérisée par une très faible densité et une population vieillissante qui stagne en nombre depuis les années 1960. Un net rebond apparaît toutefois en 2000.
Le tour du monde à vélo, de Françoise et Claude Hervé est le récit de voyage, en vingt chapitres, d’un couple qui, partis en 1980 pour trois ans autour du monde, est revenu quatorze années plus tard, avec 150 000 kilomètres au compteur et… un enfant !
WordPress.org is Matt Mullenweg’s personal website (source: the Automattic account on X.com). Matt is also the owner of our largest competitor, WooCommerce. The conflict of interest was always there, but in the weeks following WordCamp US 2024, Matt crossed several lines that make it crystal clear that he has no intentions of running WordPress.org as an open and fair platform.
Today, those same values have driven us to leave the WordPress.org plugin repository.
After that, use the following command to undo the commit:
git reset --soft HEAD~
Air is a 2023 American biographical sports drama film directed by Ben Affleck and written by Alex Convery. The film is based on true events about the origin of Air Jordan, a basketball shoeline, of which a Nike employee seeks to strike a business deal with rookie player Michael Jordan.
You can find a window’s class name by running xprop from the command line and clicking on clicking on target window (xprop displays the window’s X properties); then search the xprop output for the WM_CLASS(STRING) property, which will show the window class name you should use with picom.
Use xprop | grep «WM_CLASS» instead of xprop to show only the window class name.
Speaking anecdotally, if the two values of WM_CLASS(STRING) are different, use the second one.
Node Version Manager – POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
One reason programmers dislike meetings so much is that they’re on a different type of schedule from other people. Meetings cost them more.
There are two types of schedule, which I’ll call the manager’s schedule and the maker’s schedule.
On sent de l’extérieur que Radio France, et notamment France Inter, est beaucoup attaquée pour ne pas être assez critique de l’ordre établi. Mais tu veilles le plus souvent à défendre le service public.
Oui, je défends le service public de la radio et pense que, malgré ce qu’ « on sent de l’extérieur… », Radio France est moins sujette aux pressions des milieux politico-économiques que les groupes de radio privés. La critique de l’ordre établi ? France Inter n’est bien évidemment pas une radio d’extrême gauche (ni d’extrême droite d’ailleurs) mais la critique est présente notamment par le biais des humoristes, c’est une façon de faire.
Mais en tant que « l’émission des luttes », ne vous sentez-vous pas comme la caution « gauchiste » de France Inter ?
Non, nous ne le vivons pas comme ça, mais c’est effectivement une critique récurrente qui était déjà formulée à l’adresse de Là-bas si j’y suis. France Inter est une radio généraliste qui se doit de refléter une pluralité d’opinions, d’expressions et de sensibilités et nous participons activement à cette mission de service public. Nous avons effectivement l’ambition et le souci de donner la parole à ceux que l’on entend le moins et c’est par le reportage de terrain que nous rencontrons et tendons plus facilement le micro aux exclus de la parole autorisée.
J’ai d’abord commencé à travailler un peu par hasard à Radio Latina en 1994 comme programmateur musical. Je rentrais d’une belle et longue tournée en Amérique Latine, comme trompettiste du groupe Mano Negra. Après l’épopée du rock alternatif français ont commencées les années MTV. La musique devenait une marchandise mondialisée et moins un « sport de combat » collectif comme je l’imaginais au début. J’ai créé l’association Fréquences Éphémères en 1995 et commencé à monter des expériences radiophoniques temporaires, en même temps qu’à Radio Latina j’apprenais tout le métier : la technique, l’utilisation des émetteurs, l’animation et le reportage.
Ça a commencé à Nantes, avec Radio Ciudad Habana : deux jours de fiction radiophonique en direct pendant le festival off des Allumées, et à Uzeste avec Radio Uz, le laboratoire d’improvisation radiophonique du festival Uzeste Musical, lieu de convergence de toutes ces improvisations entre musique, reportage, création radiophonique et théâtre de rue, qui continue chaque année.
Puis il y a eu les débuts de la Radio des Suds en 2001. L’idée était de monter un atelier et une radio temporaire pendant le festival de musique du monde Les Suds à Arles, avec et pour les détenus de la Maison centrale. Faire en sorte que la musique, les rencontres et les conférences des Suds, un festival engagé sur le territoire social et géographique, soient accessibles aux détenus malgré les murs. Une belle histoire qui continue toujours aujourd’hui, même si après l’inondation et la longue fermeture de la prison, nous destinons maintenant la Radio des Suds à des jeunes Arlésiens en difficulté. C’est en quelque sorte une radio d’émancipation populaire pour tenter de comprendre le monde par ses musiques. Pratiquer la radio donne aussi des clefs pour décrypter les médias en général. Et voilà, de nouveaux auditeurs exigeants qui nous écoutent et créeront rapidement, je l’espère, des nouveaux médias pour prendre la parole.
Et chaque samedi sur France Inter, on continue de mettre à profit, en pratique et à l’antenne, un savoir-faire hérité des grandes heures de Radio France. Ça nous fait vibrer toutes les semaines, on aime ça et on bataille pour que ça ne disparaisse pas des ondes nationales, quand toute une nouvelle génération de créateurs, reporters, documentaristes, réalisateurs, réinvestissent le son et l’art radiophonique sur le net.
Fast and sweet looking lockscreen for linux systems with effects!
Una aportación importante en mi enfoque proviene de la obra de Alf Hornborg. Hornborg plantea que nuestra concepción de la tecnología invisibiliza su relación con el intercambio desigual de materiales y energía a nivel global. El diseño pulido de nuestros dispositivos tecnológicos (móviles, portátiles, etc.), pero también de las palas eólicas, fomenta esa abstracción respecto a la procedencia de los minerales que los componen y a las condiciones de trabajo que facilitan su extracción en los países del Sur. Si bien esta dinámica extractivista precede a la modernidad industrial, se intensifica con ella. En buena medida, tanto Estética fósil como Cultura fósil tratan de hacer aflorar a la superficie aquello que en la historia de las imágenes y los imaginarios de la modernidad industrial ha tendido a permanecer oculto. Se mueven, por así decirlo, en esa dialéctica entre lo visible y lo invisible. En ambos ensayos también retrotraigo esa dialéctica al contraste entre la diafanidad y la transparencia de los espacios estéticos y culturales para la contemplación (como los museos y los invernaderos de las exposiciones universales) y la suciedad y opacidad de la fábrica fósil, asociada metafóricamente al Infierno del trabajo en los imaginarios del siglo XIX.
Este documento resume las presentaciones de las Jornadas Técnicas sobre el Concurso del Bosque Metropolitano de Madrid. El bosque se propone como una infraestructura verde que mejorará la salud ambiental y social de la ciudad. Los expertos en diferentes disciplinas discutieron cómo diseñar el bosque para fomentar la biodiversidad, conectar espacios verdes, y apoyar prácticas agrícolas y culturales sostenibles que unan la ciudad con el campo.
The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to HTTP APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. When properly defined, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote service with a minimal amount of implementation logic.
An OpenAPI definition can then be used by documentation generation tools to display the API, code generation tools to generate servers and clients in various programming languages, testing tools, and many other use cases.
Stay up to date with a community-driven list of high-quality, modern tools for OpenAPI. An open source project from APIs You Won’t Hate.
Reflexiones sobre el mundo del software: desde cómo gestionamos nuestro equipo técnico a cómo el movimiento bootstrapper en IndieHackers está influyendo en la industria.
Casos de estudio sobre empresas de software: ¿quieres saber por qué Salesforce organizaba falsas manifestaciones para atacar a sus competidores?
Opiniones (las mías) sobre la industria tecnológica: por qué los bonus por objetivos pervierten muchas empresas o por qué el número de empleados no siempre es un indicador de salud del negocio.
Estrategias para SaaS de las que (solo) quizás puedas aprender: desde cómo aplicar el marketing de contenidos a qué sesgos cognitivos te pueden ayudar a mejorar tus landing pages.
Dealing with life’s limitations is the theme of Perfect Days…
…we quickly grasp that Hirayama is not unhappy. He lives a highly ritualized existence whose routine we soon come to know: He wakes up, spritzes his plants, looks with pleasure at the morning sky, buys canned coffee from a nearby vending machine and then drives his van off to work playing old music cassettes by the likes of The Kinks, Patti Smith and Otis Redding
React.FC is a type that stands for «Function Component» in React. It is a generic type that allows you to specify the props that a function component will accept.
Using React.FC can be helpful for a number of reasons:
It provides type safety for the props that a component expects to receive. This can help catch bugs early on and make your code easier to understand.
It makes it easier to refactor your component’s props. For example, if you want to rename a prop, the TypeScript compiler will catch any places where that prop is used and help you update them.
It makes it easier to see the expected shape of a component’s props just by looking at its type definition.
FreeTube is a YouTube client for Windows (10 and later), Mac (macOS 10.15 and later), and Linux built around using YouTube more privately. You can enjoy your favorite content and creators without your habits being tracked. All of your user data is stored locally and never sent or published to the internet. FreeTube grabs data by scraping the information it needs (with either local methods or by optionally utilizing the Invidious API). With many features similar to YouTube, FreeTube has become one of the best methods to watch YouTube privately on desktop.
This article will explore GraphQL and WPGraphQL, delving into their core principles, architecture, and how they contrast with the WordPress REST API.
is JavaScript, plain and simple
is TypeScript, Microsoft’s way of adding «concrete» types to JavaScript
is JavaScript but with JSX enabled which is React’s language extension to allow you to write markup directly in code
is similar to jsx except it’s TypeScript with the JSX language extension
Willie Nelson may be the most important figure in country music history; if he’s not, only Hank Williams matters more. Willie’s also one of the most important musical artists in American history, a first-name-only giant like Elvis and Ella. The contours of the career that brought him to those heights are familiar. There was the huge, early-sixties success writing songs like “Crazy” and “Hello Walls” for big country stars, then the failed attempt to become one himself over the rest of the decade, his talents an ill fit for a stiff Nashville mold. There was his earthy rebirth in Austin in the seventies, when he started playing by his own rules and helped invent the outlaw subgenre that made country cool for a younger, rock-bred audience.
Over-fetching is fetching too much data, meaning there is data in the response you don’t use.
Under-fetching is not having enough data with a call to an endpoint, forcing you to call a second endpoint.
In both cases, they are performance issues: you either use more bandwidth than ideal, or you are making more HTTP requests than ideal.
So, you end up with a compromise between not having too many endpoints, and having the endpoints fit each component needs best. This will lead to over-fetching in some cases (the endpoint will provide more data than needed for one specific component), and under-fetching in some others (you will need to call a second endpoint).
GraphQL fixes this problem because it allows you to request which data you want from the server. You specify what you need and will get this data, and only this data, in one trip to the server.
Google has a new way to power its data centers. According to a blog post from Google, a «first-of-its-kind» geothermal project in Arizona that uses modern oil and gas industry drilling techniques to optimize geothermal power generation is operational, as of today. Google says this «enhanced geothermal energy» is capable of producing round-the-clock clean energy cheaper than any other currently available method.
Launched in 2007, Data Center Map was the first research tool of its kind. We operate a global data center database, mapping data center locations worldwide. Our intention is to make it easier for buyers, sellers, investors, regulators and other professionals in the data center industry, to gain insights in to the data center markets of their interest.
We currently have 7945 data centers listed, from 152 countries worldwide. Click on a country below, to explore its data center locations.
Our database contains lists of data center operators and service providers, offering colocation, cloud and connectivity.
¿Qué le parece que se juzguen otras canciones suyas, como ‘Sí, sí’, desde la óptica actual de la híper-literalidad?
Todos debemos intentar luchar contra eso. Creo que el arte debe ser territorio salvaje, sin normas morales ni éticas. Una plasmación gráfica del subconsciente. Y el subconsciente no tiene normas éticas. Por eso no debemos juzgar el arte con las normas morales con las que juzgamos los hechos civiles. Es abstracto por definición, y es estúpido y medieval aplicarle normas referidas al machismo, al feminismo, al racismo, a la violación o a lo que sea. Vaya usted a saber qué quería decir el autor. El arte es precisamente la huida de lo literal. Bastante literal es que te atropelle un coche. Ni los autores sabemos que estamos escribiendo como para juzgarlo moralmente y castigarlo. Es muy peligroso y creo que se está cargando el arte.
# Install new PHP 8.3 packages sudo apt install php8.3 php8.3-cli php8.3-{bz2,curl,mbstring,intl}# Install FPM OR Apache module sudo apt install php8.3-fpm # OR # sudo apt install libapache2-mod-php8.2# On Apache: Enable PHP 8.3 FPM sudo a2enconf php8.3-fpm # When upgrading from an older PHP version: sudo a2disconf php8.2-fpm## Remove old packages sudo apt purge php8.2*
Learn how to create a modal image gallery (lightbox) with CSS and JavaScript.
Since WP 5.3 it is enough to use this function:
Framework Laptop 13 is a thin, light, fast 13.5” notebook that is simple to customize, upgrade, and repair, so it stays yours for longer.
Removal and disposal of a swollen battery can be dangerous, but leaving a swollen battery inside a device can also cause serious harm. Read all warnings carefully and proceed at your own risk. All batteries are hazardous waste and must be disposed of properly.
Rclone is a command-line program to manage files on cloud storage. It is a feature-rich alternative to cloud vendors’ web storage interfaces. Over 70 cloud storage products support rclone including S3 object stores, business & consumer file storage services, as well as standard transfer protocols.
SQLite es el DBMS más común del mundo, incluido en todos los sistemas operativos populares.
SQLite no tiene servidor.
Para quienes desarrollan, SQLite está integrado directamente en la aplicación.
Para todos los demás, existe una conveniente consola de base de datos (REPL), que se proporciona como un solo archivo (sqlite3.exe en Windows, sqlite3 en Linux / macOS).
1. Avoid var Keyword: A Relic of the Past
Before ES6, the var keyword was the primary way to declare variables. However, it had some quirks and limitations that often led to unexpected results and made debugging more challenging.
In modern JavaScript, we generally avoid using var and instead opt for let and const, which offer more predictable and block-scoped behavior, making your code easier to understand and maintain.
2. let: Variables That Can Change
Use the let keyword to declare variables whose values you might need to change later in your code.
3. const: Constants for Unchanging Values:
If you have a value that shouldn’t change throughout your program, use the const keyword.
A good rule of thumb is to use const by default and only switch to let if you know you’ll need to reassign the variable’s value later.
Is that an unpopular opinion? It’s always been my favorite track on abbey road. You never give me your money, the end and she came in throught the bathroom window are the three tracks from the medley that never get old for me while golden slumbers and carry that weight’s big impact from the first listen diminished greatly in repeated listenings. Same goes for let it be, the song not the album.
In contrast to the White Album and Let It Be, Abbey Road – released in September 1969 – found The Beatles operating relatively cohesively; attempting to pull together, in step with one another if not exactly on the same page. «Abbey Road was really unfinished songs all stuck together,» bemoaned John Lennon. «None of the songs had anything to do with each other, no thread at all.”
It was the final collection of songs The Beatles recorded together…
is a network mapping tool. It works by sending various network messages to the IP addresses in the range we’re going to provide it with it. It can deduce a lot about the device it is probing by judging and interpreting the type of responses it gets.
Let’s kick off a simple scan with nmap
. We’re going to use the -sn
(scan no port) option. This tells nmap
to not probe the ports on the devices for now. It will do a lightweight, quick scan.
Even so, it can take a little time for nmap
to run. Of course, the more devices you have on the network, the longer it will take. It does all of its probing and reconnaissance work first and then presents its findings once the first phase is complete. Don’t be surprised when nothing visible happens for a minute or so.
The IP address we’re going to use is the one we obtained using the ip
command earlier, but the final number is set to zero. That is the first possible IPAddress on this network. The «/24» tells nmap
to scan the entire range of this network. The parameter «» translates as «start at IP address and work right through all IP addresses up to and including».
Note we are using sudo
sudo nmap -sn
…we’ll show you how to use the command “dmidecode” to get the information about your motherboard, as well as how to use the command “lshw” to get more information about your system
In May 2024, over 65,000 developers responded to our annual survey about coding, the technologies and tools they use and want to learn, AI, and developer experience at work. Check out the results and see what’s new for Stack Overflow users.
It’s more than a movie site and it’s more than baseball.
It’s the feelings that touch you and the memories you recall as you immerse yourself into this field and this farm. Old and young alike – you’ll find yourself grinning from ear to ear as you step onto this magic field in Dyersville, Iowa.